Will they remember each other?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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Hello fellow bunny lovers! I am new tothis great forum and I have been enjoying everyone's posts and learninglots. (Forgive me if this has been posted-I tried a searchand didn't come up with anything).

I got two Dutch bunnies about a month ago. They arethree months old, from the same litter and male &female. EEK!! I was so shocked to catch them'mating' (or shall I say practicing :D). I quickly separatedthem.

I plan on getting them both spayed and neutered, but that procedurecan't be performed for another six to eight weeks. It makesme so sad to separate them. My question is, will theyremember each other in that time? I want the happiest,healthiest bunnies and I dote on them too much, but will they be ableto adjust to each other in eight to ten weeks apart?

Any advice offered is so greatly appreciated. And I am soexcited I found this forum. Happy to be part of the RabbitsOnly Forum! :cool:



Sometimes buns do well when being reintroducedand sometimes they don't. It is kind of like a roll of the dice. Sincethey are a male/female pair your chances of them re bonding easily arebetter.

If they do fight when they are reintroduced you can take the time outto attempt to re-bond them. It can be done and very successfully asshown by a few members of this forum but takes time and patience. Do asearch on bonding bunnies and see what you come up with on the forum.There should be quite a few posts that will be helpful.

Good luck with your bunnies, we would love to see pictures! Also, welcome to the forum!

Fergi's mom
I've been switching out their toys. Iwill put one of her wood blocks in his cage, and vice versa.Hoping they will smell each other and remember. I also gotanother playpen and I put them outside right next to eachother. I am hoping they notice each other :(I knowI am a spaz. I just LOVE those babies!! heeeheee
Welcome aboard, Kricket, :)

I'd mirror what Fergi said. It is a roll of the dice.

There's an excellent post in the "Cheat Sheet for Rabbit Care" onbonding rabbits. (The post is at the top of the forum. Go check out thelink to it. It's helped a lot of people.)

Also bi1526 makes a strong point about putting their cagesside-by-side. When I was bunnysitting two rabbits, they were inseparate cages. By the time the parents took them home, they said theywere 3/4s of the way bonded and they credit it to the month they spenthere in Tucker Town and having their cages next to each other. Onewould sit next to the other's cage when it was their free time out.

Wishing you the best of luck and keep us posted.

bi1526 wrote:
Canyou put them in side-by-side cages? That way they could stillsee and smell each other and "talk".


Well, I can't house them side-by-side outside, but, when it is playtime(outside), I have them in side-by-side playpens. I have thefemale outside in the big bunny hutch. And a very kind friendof mine let me borrow her large cage which I have inside. Ialways make sure they get at least two hours in their playpensside-by-side. (They LOVE to tear around in the dirt &grass!) My sister and I have been trying to figure out theirinside playtime. Since I can't have them together, sometimesmy sister will help me if I am short on time, but we shoot for twohours of inside playtime each night. (And additional pettingtime-they are soooo tame :))

Sorry to ramble, but I am so happy to be part of this forum.SO glad to find others that love their bunnies as much as Ido! :) Thanks everyone!

(pics coming soon)