Will not be on tomorrow

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hey guys

I hate to say it, but I will not be online tomorrow.Encountered a huge problem with my daughter tonight that needshandling, and will more than likely take all day tomorrow (and, really,it should).

I need to get her contributing more to the household and handling moreresponsibility, because, as much as I hate to say it, she's become abit spoiled. Tonight she complained that she'd had a"horrible day" because we asked her not to play in my chair...when therest of the day, I let her watch movies and play all shewanted. I let her have a day off of school...but I guesscombining that day with the two days of the weekend backfired.

My girl's got a great heart, and she has good intentions, but I reallyhaven't been doing enough lately to make sure her priorities werestraight, so I'm going to take the entire day tomorrow (Tuesday) tostraighten things out.

Hugs to all!

Here's hoping you had a stress-free andproductive day, Rosie ...

sas :hug2:
Aww...thank you!

We had a MUCH nicer day today. The TV didn't come on once, wegot some of her room cleaned (it was quite dangerously messy inthere...I half expected unknown bunnies to come popping out of thatmess!), got her a nice, long bath, cleaned the bunny cages together,etc. It was a very productive (though I didn't get my wholelist done...but that's life with kids) day.

Not to mention, we went out with Danny when he got home, and shoppedfor the eternally-searched-for lavendar nail polish I've been lookingfor about three years running now (hehe), and got variousthings.

I'm getting excited for my birthday on Saturday. We're havingsome friends over to the skating rink we frequent...and I'm going tohave a nice outfit (skirt) on that day, and have my nailsdone. It outta be fun...I'm hoping a good number of friends(read, about five) show up, so they can see what all the skating fussis about. :)

Oh! And my dad called last night and said he was buying Em anew bed, and us a new couch! He's going to drive over thefirst weekend of May with them! :D (That far awaybecause he lives in Vegas, so about a three hour drive from here, andtakes a bit of planning.) It'll be nice! We're evengoing to put the old couch in Em's room...she asked, and I figured we'djust be throwing it out, so why not?

So, things are definitely looking up! :D

Hugs and love!


P.S. Thanks for the warm wishes, guys! :bunnyheart

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