Will be getting bun in about a month, need CAGE ADVICE!

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Jul 23, 2012
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Columbus, OH, , USA
I would prefer not to spend a TON of money, and would prefer to not have to build one! I definitely want her to have enough room though! Anyone have any basic starter cage suggestions?
Try a large or giant size wire dog crate. They are really easy to set up. You may need to put something around the bottom edge to keep bedding and poops more contained, but that should be pretty easy. You can add a level if you want as well. I would recommend one at least 2X3ft, but bigger is good too. These can be a tad expensive, but you can find used ones that aren't as expensive. One advantage is that they are easy to fold down and move.

Another option is an x-pen. These are typically 8 panels that are 2ft wide. You would need a bottom for it. They can be big, but you can take it apart with a bit of work.

NIC cages are great as well, but to take some work to put it together. You can make it as big as you want and it can fit most spaces. It can be pretty affordable if you can find the grids at a good price. They are also easy to build up, so you can give a rabbit more space without using a ton of floor space.

Most pet store cages are too small for an adult rabbit, but there are some out there that are 2X4ft, so would be suitable for a rabbit. They can be a tad on the pricey side though.
I agree with Kate to look into dog crates. Alot of the times they do have wasted space height wise so adding a level would work great.

Xpens are good too but those wouldn't work for me because there is no bottom.

I also agree that most store or pet store cages are too small. Some people do make it work because bunny may have free run all the time but for most people that's not possible.

Also, check your local craigslist. Do a search for "cage" only. Sometimes you can get creative with other cages (ferret, chinchilla) and make things work for a good deal.

NIC cages are definitely the cheapest but I hear ya on not wanting to build one. I researched for awhile but it overwhelmed me :) in the end I bought an NIC cage kit but it was expensive ($220) but it worked for us. It came nearly assembled and with the precut coroplast floors so it was super convenient. Not sure what your budget is but I'll include the link to where we got her cage. We got the purple one on the home page except with steps instead of ramps. Agnes loves it!

Please don't let the assembly of NIC scare you, zip ties make it easy. I put this together over the weekend with two boxes of pannels ($40 total) and ties. I already had the rug and good cardboard boxes make good shelves. Just to give you ideas, you can get creative.
Xpens work very well with an indoor-outdoor rug under it. I don't have a cage at all. I have a carrier & the xpen.

Or you could set up nics into an xpen, then start adding to that.

One thing that's sort of a problem is that you don't know if your rabbit will be a climber or not. If so, an xpen would need something at the top to discourage getting out & make a nic setup the better choice.

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