Wild Bunny video..

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2005
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, British Columbia, Canada
Well, this is just one of my favourite videos! I shot this about a month ago, while watching the wild rabbits. Hope you enjoy :).

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**This is the one that I promised when I posted the pictures.. had to wait an hour for it to load! It makes me laugh everytime I see it :).

Great video, is that your backyard. It's huge, lucky you.

We have a wild bunny that comes in our backyard. I feed him carrots, he eats some of the herbs I planted for our bunnies. He/she also eats some of my flowers which I really don't mind (however our neighbour isn't too thrilled). It also eats some of the bird seed I put out, so of course I put out a littlle dish for him/her. Hubby thinks I'm nuts. That's ok.

oh that's so cute.

is that a black squirrel?

how did you get so close?

I have a few wild rabbit in our yard I named one camble he's so sweet it's almost like he tame I was out with my little lop girl outside she was on a harness and she went ahead I have a really long leash,anyways she was just about 3 feet away from him it was so cute.

Glad you enjoyed it!

Yes, that's my backyard. We're on 1 and a half acres, and the sides mild bush so we get a lot of wildlife :D.

Those three (Although haven't seen in awhile.. :() are very tame. Especially there's one that actually ran past my feet (probably about only a foot from my toes!) in another video. If I can find a way to edit it, I should post that too (It has me singing to see if I can get closer..:embarrassed:)

Yes, that's a black squirrel. We have the gray ones too.. we used to have chipmunks when we first moved but they didn't last.

I'll find a way to edit it, then I'll show the other one. I was very close this one :D. They didn't seem to mind me at all :).

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