Wild Bunny help

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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2008
Reaction score
Kansas City, KS
age estimated 4-5 weeks

lawn mower destroyed the nest.

he jumps and drinks water from asyringe fine, his leg is a bit gimpy and he puts weight on it but lets it hang at his side.

bleeding from inside ear and eye is red where it should be white.

any ideas? customer brought it to me knowing i had rabbits...couldnt say no.
At 4-5 weeks hedoes not need to be handfed. He should be self-feeding (grass, clover, apple pieces). Post a photo and I'll be able to tell if it really is that old.

Blood in his ear and in the whites of eye indicate there probably is head trauma, and the leg sounds as if there could be a fracture.

This bunny needs to get to a wildlife rehabilitator (http://www.wildlifeinternational.org/EN/public/emergency/emergencyrehab.html)
or at least to a veterinarian. Call local vets to see if they know of a rehabilitator.

This does not sound like something you can do at home.
already contacted the woman who works at the rehab center and she getting him tomorrow night, ill try to get a picture
The leg is fractured. Needs pain meds and splint the leg. You can use a large paper clip made into a "Z" shape and wrapped in vet wrap tomakea simple splint. Head trauma is always wait and see.....some light sedation is always good. I would suggest feeding it grass or clover...if you can find some without lawn chemicals. Packaged Spring Mix is also good.

the rehabber is pickin him up this afternoon.

his leg is wrapped up (thanks randy) as best i could, i am keeping fluids in him and gave him some pedialyte. she says he looks just about 4 weeks old judging from the pictures.
thank you :) shes a customer so shes going to keep in touch with me and she said shdtalk to me about teaching em to rehab in case she was ever overwhelmed. :) so i am looking forward to that
Poor Little Guy! When I was in Wisconsin. Somebody brung her baby wild bunny. I guess somebody dog got ahold of the nest. And killed the momma and the babies. And one was still alive. But you could tell something was wrong. Because there was blood on it. It died couple hrs later!! But Thanks for taking this little guy and taking him to a great place to grow.. :)
thats really sad misty, but all to often happens. i grew up in the country...so i guess the genes didnt kick in to let nature take its course.

she didnt ever show up today due to personal issues...baby is eating some dandelion leaves and grass. im taking her to the lady tomorrow though before work.

i think it would be really cool to get liscensed in rabbit/squirrel rehab. thats what this woman does. i know it would be difficult loosing them, but that goes with not getting attached. but those i can help i know itd make up for the ones i ever lost