Wild Bunnies Brought in by Cats--Need Help Please

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Jun 10, 2005
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My cats brought me a litter of wild bunnies thismorning. From what my sister told me, they ate onebeforeshe noticed what was going on. We saved tthetwo still alive and brought them inside. 5 minutes later thecats had yet another bunny. We saved that one aswell. Finally, we followed the mother cat into an field withvery tall weeds next to our house. There we saved anotherbunny before the cat could grab it. Searching wefound2 more and the nest from which they hadevacuated. What we think was the mother rabbit ran into thefield across the road. My sister went back half an hour laterand found what we think to be the last bunny. My firstquestion is, should I release the bunnies that can walk into the fieldacross the road, or should I release them far away from my house (wherethe cats can't get them). My second question is do they lookold enough to release to be on their own (with their siblings atleast). Here are a few pictures. (Sorry about the blurriness,my camera is having problems.) My hand is approximately 6inches in length. Thank you in advance. :D

If it were me I'd look for a wildlife rescuetype of place...they can take them and take care of them and do whatsneeded to reintroduce them back out into the wild.
Oh my! I don't know! Wetried to 'rescue' some baby bunnies and it went well at first, but onedied. After that happened, we decided to turn themlose. We nurtured them for about a month until they were ableto eat real food, then we lost that first one. My mom droveme and my sister to the Saguaro National Monument and we released themthere.

Now, looking back I wish we would have taken them to an actual animalrescue. We tried, and I still wonder what happened to thosesweet buns...:(
Call a wild liferescue they are actually too youngto be on their own ,

First thing you should have doneis when the cat brought youto the place she was getting them from ,you should have put theothers back and kept the catinside . the mother wouldhave relocated them some wheresafe , But now that you havethem Call WildlifeRescue and have them take themand care for them all .

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