Wife's Job Search

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Retired Moderator
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
The Bunny Zone, Elkhart , Indiana, USA
My wife has been looking for a job since January. She has been doing invoicing/accounts receivable/payable type of work.


Yesterday she had a job interview and the guy doing the interview looked over her resume and saw that she had worked at a Christian school. He then went off my wife said for about 3-4 minutes about a local Christian High School would not accept his daughters application because the schools beliefs were very different from his. My wife said he would pause waiting for her to agree with him, finally she said she did make a comment regarding what she believes because she was feeling attacked by this guy. After an agonizing 5 minutes had passed, he asked her some general questions about her experience and the interview was over. Most of the time she said was this guys rant about terrible Christians were.

Now what in the heck did any of that have to do with the job? He spent whatever time he had allocated ragging on Christians. We both agreed that she should not be expecting a call back on that job, because it sounded like since she worked at a Christian School and he had an obvious dislike of anyone associated with a Christian School.

Yesterday she responded to an ad for clerical work and it said you had to call to schedule a time to submit an application and resume because they were going to interview afterwards. She called scheduled a time for 11am today and when she went in, they told her we had more people come in at 9am then we expected and all the positions are filled.

Now why require people to call and make an appointment if your just going to let people show up at whatever time they want and apply?

I am just very angry for her, she seems to be taking it better then I am.

Thats it I am done.:) Just had to vent!

The first guy sounds like a world class jerk. Imagine what working for him would be like.... Of course he violated quite a few EEO laws with his anti-Christian rant. I wonder if the company realizes this guy is a huge blabbing liability.

And the second place - that's a pretty sad arragnement too. They didn't even get to see all the candidates so how could they have choces the best people possible. Talk about short changing themselves.

Both these places sound like they could use some classes inbasic business practices.

I hope something great comes along for her. Has she tried hospital billing departments?
I wouldn't want to work for that first guy - but I would turn him in to the appropriate officials because that's against the law - he should NEVER discuss religion unless it's for a job at a religious school like she was working before. He made her feel uncomfortable and that's not right either..... he sounds like an idiot (I used to be in personnel and employee relations for an international not-for-profit)..

The second one..... they were idiots also. They shouldn't have hired on the spot even if they had a clue as to what they wanted and they got that....

I feel for you, her and I sure hope she finds something. Is she doing temp work?