Wicker/Willow/Straw is to shred/chew, right?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
, Missouri, USA
I went to Goodwil the other day and saw that they have a ton of undyed baskets (decorative and kind of Easter-ish). I didnt buy any because I dont know about safety.

I did buy some of those wicker paper plate holders, the ones that give stability when you eat off of paper plates at BBQs. They were new and still pagkaged.

I bought some stuffed willow balls from eBay and are waiting for them to arrive.

Last of all, I got a... I dont know - I'll have to show it to you, but a huge mat made of wicker (or straw or something)... much like those yearlong calendars that are sometimes painted nicely with Japanese prints. I dont know yet what I'll use it for but I'm sure it may be rabbit related.

I'm just very unsure about whats safe, whats not - what would be fun.. and if rabbits know not to ingest the wrong wood, and if they do - what materials are safe....
I stay with "natural" wicker and willow. I also get the mats from World Market.

I got one of those sort of bamboo shades sort of things here and used it for a cooling shade on Tony's outside cage.

I've also meant to get some of those paperplate holders! Bo will LOVE them!

The dollar store has had these tiny willow balls they like to destroy too!

My house looks like a bunch of bunnies live here....... oh wait.....
Anything thats natural wicker/willow/straw/seagrass etc is safe for bunnies to chew. When Im buying things like baskets, placemats, balls etc for bunnies to play with I a) make sure theres no coloring or beads etc on it that I can see with the naked eye b) look at the finish to be sure its not dyed- you can usually tell bc it will look shiny or like it has been stained c) you can smell it to see if it smells like anything other than natural products (if its treated it will have an unnatural smell usually).

I stay away from Easter baskets that have colors and beads and such. Natural straw/wicker etc baskets work great- especially for putting hay in. Those paper plate things are great too. I also look at places like walmart etc for natural placemats and such..usually if you look at the tag it will say something like "100% natural straw' etc.
I get the untreated baskets at Dollar Tree for my bunnies. They love them, and I haven't had any problems with any of my fur kids because of them. They do work well for putting hay in, LOL, they can eat the hay and then shred the basket! Happy times for bunnies. :biggrin2:

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