Why would someone come to a country/leave

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2007
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario Canada, Ontario, Canada
Im doing a project on why some people would come to your country..and why some would leave.

So far I got

Pull Factors (comming)

Job Opritunies


Sevices (Hosptials)

Push Factors (Leave)


Contstruction (not leaving a country but a home, like if htey want ot expand the road and you have ot move because your onto of the new road)


Nature ( Hurrican, Tsunami, Tornado)

Anyone got any other suggestions

Because they just didn't like the country?

To be with family that already lives in another country?

I'm not sure. Goodluck!
TAXES thats one of the main reasons why NZers are going to Auz apparently...

And of course rabbits theres suchh a wider range of rabbit goodies in the states than here :biggrin2:
Brandy456 wrote:
Im doing a project on why some people would come to your country..and why some would leave.

Are you doing the project on legal or illegal imigration? There actuallyare distinct differences between the reasoning in both types of move.


Social Freedom


Health Care


Religious Freedom

are just some of the bulletpoints, but they can all be broken down into different categories as well.

:yeahthat: Love/marriage. I know quite a few people that moved countries to be with their significant other. Like two of my aunts.:biggrin2:

Vietnam era US example=draft dodging

As a visual example of religious freedom, you could show an Afghan woman in a burka, or if you can find a picture of several types of religious worship all together (like a synagogue next to a church or something), that would be great. Or something to do with Jews moving to Israel when it was created after WWII.
Leaf wrote:
Brandy456 wrote:
Im doing a project on why some people would come to your country..and why some would leave.
Are you doing the project on legal or illegal imigration? There actuallyare distinct differences between the reasoning in both types of move.
Well, Im doing a colage on Emigration AND Immigration. Mostly on why someone would leave thier own country and move to anoter, Or why someone would HAVE to move ( I.e The goverment finds oil so they are evicted) .So neither because i want to know why some one owuld want to leave, Legal or not

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