Why the nose?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2008
Reaction score
Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA
Where does your bun give you kisses? Why do you think they chose that spot on you?

Toby licks my nose all the time, but rarely anywhere else. I've gotten bunny kisses on my arms before (that's where my bunny kisses started) and I sometimes get them on my hands. But, it never fails, if I put my face down on Toby's level, he will go to town licking my nose. He won't do that to anyone else. I know he's licked Will's hand a few times, but never anywhere on his face (unless trying to wake him up).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I just think it's funny and wonder why my nose is the most "kissable" part of me from Toby's view. I would think my hand would be, that's what "grooms" him!
It think the reason is two fold, firstly, it is the most prominant part of anyones face, and so is the closest bit to them, but also, bunny to bunny the nose and putting it down to their level is what they do for dominance, so you are dominant over him and he feels obliged to groom you as he would a bunny.

As for mine, Sky will chew my hair and lick my forehead, some others will lick my nose and fingers, Badger will lick my clothes and Dawn and Sunny will lick me anywhere they can find skin. It's such a lovely feeling. Makes my day when i get bunny kisses.
I get nose licks too! Always the nose.... although Chalk has recently taken to licking my lips lol! If I smoosh my face up to the cage she'll lick any part that's sticking though lol, which is usually my nose and mouth! :D

Bunny kisses are the best! :)
Off topic, Flashy, what are all of your rabbits names and what kinds are they? Are you a breeder, or do you just love buns? I always hear you mentioning another name, and I can never keep your bunnies straight! lol

EDIT: Nevermind, I just went to your blog and am reading your bun-profiles lol How can you keep your house clean with that many! Geez! Are they all indoor bunnies?
Lol. that is off topic. I have 7 indoors and 10 outdoors at the moment but it is often different, like if one of the outdoors buns is ill and has to come in (and maybe bring a friend or two, lol). I live back with my parents now and our house is always cluttered so the bunnies just add a small amount more mess, lol, easily cleaned :D

ETA, thinking about it, the bunnies are relatively tidy. i'm the one that causes the most mess with hay. shameful.

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