Why isn't my Rabbit as friendly?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2006
Reaction score
, Virginia, USA
I've seen ya'll's rabbits and read howfreindly they are towards ya'll, but my Rabbit isn't quite asfriendly - only in his cage and when being petted.
He's VERY aggressive to the cats. And doesn't like to be held. When Ipick him up I have to pick him up by the scruff whith my other handsupporting his legs.
He is forced to stay in his cage(Although, I'll let him run around inthe Bathroom or the kitchen.). He chases the cats and once attacked oneso bad, that, that cat almost had to go to the Vet. He digs at thecarpet, and chews at the carpet, chews on the wires(I provide him whithmany chew toys.), and we had lost cable once, cause he chewed the cablewire in half. I can't keep my back turned for a second whith out himcausing trouble. I show my rabbit lots of love and attention.
Any kind of disapline or some thing that can be used? I used a spray bottle, but he doesn't learn from it.
He sounds like most of mine, except to pick upSprite I usually have to throw a blanket over her.:? And shehates hands, so no petting. Anyone seen The Emperor's NewGroove? NO TOUCHY!!!

Most rabbits do not enjoy being picked up. Mine hate it andusually kick when I pick them up, pout while I hold them, and when Iput them back down they run off and thump or flick me off.Opinionated little buggers aren't they?:)

Rabbits are territorial, and I can attest to that. I triedbonding my two pairs together and Mocha sent Fey to the vet.Spay/neuter helps a lot, but even with that you need to introducerabbits to other animals slowlyand carefully.

Mine like to dig and chew too. It's only natural.Does Bun-bun have a box he can dig in? And if he likes tochew on a certain spot in the carpet, cover it with wood, tile, or abox so he can't get at it. As for wires, they need to becovered. Chewing wires is like chewing vines and roots tothem and is another natural instinct. You can get plasticspiral wrap in the electronics section of a hardware store that is madeto protect wires. I use that and I haven't had a problemsince. I mainly discipline with my voice and by thumping thefloor or clapping. I use the spray bottle if they ignore me,and sometimes I have to pick them up (or chase them) and get them awayfrom the spot.

Check out Bunny 101 for more info on bonding, bunnyproofing (makingyour house safe from your bun and vice versa) and rabbitlanguage. You might find it easier to live with him once youlearn to understand how he thinks.:)
My rabbits hate to be picked up!! They hate tobe held at all! They only like me if I am giving them treats or lettingthem run around. But we have worked it out that they dont attack when Iput them back in their cage. And they wait intill I lean over and setthem on the ground before flipping out. Most of the time it works. Andone of mine LOVES LOVES LOVES the carpet. I have 3 HUGE holes in mycarpet from them!! I have had to cover them with the bed, dresser, anddesk!! Dumm Bunns!! But ya have to love em!!
It also sounds as if your bunny is in theteenage age. How old is he? Believe it or not thesebehaviors get better with age. Neutering also helps.
Most rabbits unless held properly at a veryyoung age hate being held. For mine she acts like I'm going to put herin a pot of stew or something! :cooking:

I think it's just your bunnies personallity or if he's around 6 monthsmaybe puberty. My friends rabbit got hit by puberty hard. All therabbit did was lunge kick and bite if you came near her. Now that she'salmost two she's as calm as a lamb so it might just be a phase.

Just give him lots of patience and hopefully he'll get a bit mroe friendlier! :)
Bun-Bun is 3 1/2.
I don't like getting my pets nuetured/spayed, they become lazy and fat.
Hopefully a Bunny friend could cheer him up. I'm getting a Dutch Rabbitbaby some time next week - from a breeder this time!! Hopefully,Bun-Bun will take him under his wing, whith out become aggressive. Ifhe acts aggressive, I'll have to put Oolong in another cage by himself.
Honestly I wouldn't recommend putting themtogether. Plan on having a separate cage for the newbun. Males are much more difficult to bond together, and thehormones don't help. Bun-bun has already proved he isterritorial with your cats, so I wouldn't be surprised if he wasterritorial with the new bun too. Most rabbits would beroyally ticked that a strange rabbit was put in their cage, anyway.

And even if they do get along at the beginning, babies change a lotonce they hit puberty and it's not unusual for them to fight with theirfriends. One member had a rabbit die from this last fall- andit came totally out of the blue. I'm not trying to scare youor shut you down, but you do need to be aware that it can happen.

I do know that some male rabbits can be friends, even unneutered. But it is more rare.

If you want Bun-bun to have a rabbit friend, read up on bondingfirst. Trust me, it will make things go easier.BondingBunnies

And as for spay/neuter increasing weight, my buns are not having problems.:D
I think it's just a myth that rabbits get fatand lazy after being fixed. I don't know how it would change theirmotabolism(spelling?).,and they'd probably only gain weightwith a few too many treats :). I've heard rabbitsbeingmoreactive after being neutered or spayed and more curious,but never less active.

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