Why is she doing this??

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Mar 27, 2005
Reaction score
, Ohio, USA
Okay...We've had Tinkerbell for a week now andshe is getting along with us just fine. She was heading over to thedoor of her cage wanting to be petted so I get her out and let her layon my lap. She climbed up my arm and likes to sit on my shoulder thenshe crawls behind my neck and PEES!! ACCKKK!!

Later on she wanted to be held again (she's so loving) and then she poops all over me!

I cleaned her cage this weekend and she poops everywhere. She's gettinggood at using the litter box for pee but not for poop. Although when Icleaned her cage she has went back to peeing in the opposite corner ofthe box (I keep switching and she keeps switching corners).

Why does she do these things? I want to let her roam and get exercisebut I can't have her pooping all over the living room. I was gonna gether a pet playpen but will that give her enough room? Not to mention isit a pain in the butt to set up?

LOL! im not laughing atyou honest i think ispeak for a good most ofthe board by saying welcometo the wonderfull life of abunny parent , most all ofus have been peed ononce or a hundred lol its suchan honor , it means they loveyou m and or excited tosee you , plus its a way tomark territory lolkinda gross but true.

On the litter boxissue i wouldnt keepswitching corners whenshe switches , what i would dois gently put her in herlitter pan when youcatch her getting ready to gopotty , make it a posative experienceand she will get the idea soon enough . ,as for pooping well there isnta lot you can doexcept get a vacume justfor picking up dropped poopsa one gallon shopvac works great.

Play pens are a great idea actuallyeven tho they can be a pain theyare great she can runjump etc generallyhave fun . no there not reallytoo small , but as she grows you may wantto think about a larger one at some point.

What kind of bunnybaby do you have , if one of thedwarf types can get away witha small play pen for along time . hopethis helps , oh anplease be sure to check outthe Cheat Sheets for rabbits atthe begining of theforum , theres a wealth of knowledge in there .

and welcome to the forum .
Well she's making progress....using the box for pee. :D

You have to use baby steps before you canrun. I don't think she's made theconnection between poo and litter boxes yet. Iwould back up and confine her to smaller spaces and use more litterboxes. Don't let her out to the larger areasyet, and don't worry about exercises, she's stillyoung. This can be used as a reward. Thebetter she gets the more freedom she gets.

When she pees and poos on you, she is marking herterritory. To her the whole area is one big litterbox. She probably smells where she wentbefore, so she thinks it's O.K. to go thereagain.

Go back and check out the thread I wrote for Easters Momma:


Good luck and let us know how she does.

Rainbows! :)
