Why is Kirby chewing on himself?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2008
Reaction score
New York, USA
You know that dewlap girls have? Kirby's a boy and he doesn't have any of that but he keeps licking/chewing on the fur under his chin lately. He did it every day before but now it's like he's always doing it. It's funny to see him do it. He has to sit on his hind legs, squish his head down against his chest and he licks and tugs at the fur under his chin. Once he gets the fur sticking out long enough he puts his ears back (relaxed), he just sorta licks and licks and licks it... what's he doing? :?

Edit: He is not pulling fur out. He's just licking. He looks happy doing it. Do rabbits do this? Did he eat something and get it on himself and so he's cleaning or something?
Is he losing hair from licking so much? Maybe he's bored and it turned into an obsession. Could he have mites?

Just thinking of some suggetions. :)
No he's not tearing fur out. He's not fussing with it like it is itchy or anything. I doubt it could be mites. He looks like he's cleaning the area but he does it often at night when he is active. Maybe he is bored :?
I'm not. It's a whole other sad story for me. Just him and Toby at home.

I don't know though... I am there with him, he shoulnt be feeling actually bored because it's night time when we play and stuff is happening in the rabbit room. Kirby doesn't really strike me as bored or unstimulated. He seems content with peace and quiet, if that makes sense?

Maybe I'll try to get a video of what he's doing. It's like he's giving himself a double chin. lol
My male bunny does this too; probably once a night at least. I have no idea why, but he also doesn't seem obsessive about it in any way. My guess is that he's got some food running down his chest and wants to get it all off. Yummy!

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