Why is he doing this?

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Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
Savannah, , USA
Okay, so we went out today for a pretty long time, from about four thirty to nine and when we came back Ambrosius was in the living room. He's suppose to be in my room in the back of the house in his cage (which was locked securely) My door should have been closed too. Why does he keep getting out on me?

Also, he chews on everything. How do I get him to stop? I got him the little wood chews, but he doesn't like them. He doesn't respond to me pushing him away from it, he's stubborn. I don't know what to do with him anymore. Please help me.
I don't have time right now for a long response, I'm sure others will help.

None of mine like the chew sticks, but they do like real apple, pear and willow branches, dried with the bark and leaves intact.

My dwarfs are the hardest to keep entertained in the first place, but when they're 'teenagers', they're impossible. But luckily they do grow out of it, faster once they're spayed or neutered, but in a few months even when they're not.

I'd build 'forts' out of cardboard boxes and tunnels, etc..

Check out this thread:



How is he getting out of the cage? Do you have pics of it? A pen around the cage or just bunny-proofing the room will certainly help.

sas :bunnydance:
My bunnies like things made of willow (a willow tunnel is a big hit) and cardboard boxes for chewing. They also like to dig and rip at phonebooks. Having lots of these things around keeps them focused on their own toys and off of my carpet and furniture. After a long enough time of only using their own things, most bunnies recognize what is theirs to chew on.

As far as the escaping, can you post a picture of the cage so we can see what you have to work with?

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