Why doesn't anyone sell an attractive, functional rabbit cage?

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Apr 25, 2006
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I'm talking about something pretty, like a parrot cage and big enough for two californians.. Something multileveled and leakproof..

It's the one thing my husband doesn't like about the rabbits, the way their cage looks. we really want to move them to the living room so we can enjoy them a bit more, but we can't find a single nice looking, functional cage.. Aargh!

They're all those stupid way too small wire cages or outdoor hutches..

i found that when i used the x-pen it didn't look bad at all, it doesn't have levels, but is a large space where you can fit lots of toys. . .

You've seen the NIC condos, right? These are so great and look very nice!

I made mine out of white grids and it looks fine in my living room:

And heres the thread for more NIC info and ideas: http://rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=15348&forum_id=1


I've seen the NIC ones.. I actually bought the components, but ended up turning it into shelving in a closet instead as my husband didn't like it.. Plus, my rabbits are pretty darn heavy, I was kinda nervous about how well the NIC ones would stay together with two humongous rabbits hopping around in it..

Those ones at petwerks are close.. I'll show him those when he gets home.. That's pretty much the layout I was looking for, the triple layer one.. I'm still searching for one a little more decorative.. Wrought iron with some designs or something on it.. I dunno, I do know I've never seen them before..

Right now my rabbits are in an extra large dog crate with free access to a bedroom.. They're about 90% housebroken..

What makes it complicated is that our dog likes to chase them when they're loose, so, we we're trying to find a cage big enough where they could get enough exercise in that to be in it most of the day and then let loose in the bedroom for some running around time for a couple hours a day. Because, while they have free run of the bedroom which they probably do like, it makes visiting with them a hassle thanks to our idiot dog.. as she panics when we go in a room without her and shut the door..

Jenniferinny wrote:
I'm still searching for one a little more decorative.. Wrought iron with some designs or something on it.. I dunno, I do know I've never seen them before.
One of our members had a really nice looking cage. It had fancy metal work and wood trim. It looked more like a piece of furniture than a cage.
Even the hay rack was fancy!!

Now all I have to do is remember WHO the member was.

Anyone else remember???

My hubby Tony made a hutch for our kids...It is 3 levels with arborite floors under the carpets for easy cleanup. The floors are made of 1/2" ply covered in arborite so urine won't soak in and ruin them. I prefer to have carpet in our bunns hutch, which for ours is OK because ours don't eat carpet. We have a ramp that leads up from every level to the next. We stuffed the top with their stuffed animals and blankies. We also hung parrot toys off of the ceiling that they love to nudge and chew. The middle section we use for their kitchen/diningroom, and the lowest level is for their hay bin and litterbox. They have a short 6-8" jump to get into the hutch...not much by bunny standards. And the side where the litter box is is covered by a sheet of plexi so they don't toss hay out the window all over the floor! I added curtains and there is a ruffle that I madetoo but it isn't in the pic. It's more like a nice cabinet than a hutch really!:D I am still waiting for hubby to finish the trim around the top for me!:D
WOW Runestonez, that is amazing! Your husband is a very talented man..my boyfriend wouldve had trouble with the NIC :) It looksgreat!

Lucky lucky bunnies~!!
Thanks guys!:D Hubby is blushing! LOL:D

We still have to have a couple of NIC cages until we get the 5 kids bonded! They are so much easier to lug around the house! Our bunns have their own room to run around in so they aren't ever locked up in the hutch but it is a nice place for them to hang out together!! :)

We bought a bunn form the petstore...they swore to us she would only get to be about 3-4 pounds...just a mini lop. She passed away last October...she was almost 9 pounds!! Not so mini!:shock: She out grew her original cage really fast!:D


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