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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2004
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Why does it always taste better from somebunny else's bowl? :ponder:

I went out to give the bunnies veggies and even though Mocha and Zoey are bonded, I give them 2 bowls because they like to hog the bowl by sticking their heads in it and not letting the other rabbit at it. Well I gave Zoey hers and put Mocha's right in front of him. He sniffed it and picked up a piece of parsley then dropped it. I figured nothing of it because it's not unusual for him to not eat veggies when he's out in the run because he has grass to eat all day.

Well thenheran over to investigate Zoey's bowl as she was eating out of it. That was it, he dove right in and stole her veggies instead of eating out of his own bowl. They both ate out of it and when the veggies were gone, Zoey went to Mocha's bowl and, of course, Mocha followed. Apparently his bowl wasn't good for him until Zoey ate out of it first. :disgust:perhaps he took me threat for rabbit stew seriously earlier today and thought I was trying to poison him? :angel:

I wish I had my camera with me, They both managed to shove their heads into the bowls and a few times Zoey stole the veggies right out of Mocha's mouth when he put his head up.:laugh:

Anyone else notice that things always taste better from somebunny else's bowl?
Is Mocha the "top bun"?

My Basil, who is definitely top bun, always needs to check out and eat whatever I put in front of Max at feeding time. Its like he thinks Max is getting something more interesting. I have to constantly be watching to make sure Max is getting just as much food as Basil. Basil will eat it all!

I guess the grass IS always greener on the other plate, er side :)
Nope! Zoey is the boss and Mocha knows it. Well, it seems that way right now but at times I start to wonder.

Apparently the grass is always better on the other side of the fence as well. I never got why I give my bunnies 64 square feet of running room and grass and they try to eat the grss outside the run.:?
haha. thats too funny. Mocha is brave for messing with Zoey's food!

Rabbits sure are interesting creatures...just when I think I have them figured out, they still surprise me :)

My two do kind of the same thing. Hazel, my male, is the subordinate bunny and ever since I got him he has always been rather picky with his fresh greens. I had hoped that once he bonded to my female Ellie that he would start eating more greens. He did...right out of Ellie's mouth. The other day, along with their regular greens, I gave them a big plate full of cilantro. Ellie started chowing down right away. Hazel just crept up and sniffed it and ran off. He looked totally disgusted! But as he sat there watching Ellie eat it from across the room, he got curious and came over next to her. He checked out her mouth as she was munching a piece and next thing I knew he had ripped the piece right out of her mouth and ate it! That is how he continued to eat the rest of it. Thank goodness Ellie is so good natured. She just got another piece. She is never mean to him.
lol. that sounds just like my buns :) Basil will just walk up to Max and lean his head in and take whatever is hanging out of Max's mouth. I think they must do it bc they know they can get away with it! Max is too sweet to ever challenge Basil :)


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