Well-Known Member
Why does it always taste better from somebunny else's bowl?
I went out to give the bunnies veggies and even though Mocha and Zoey are bonded, I give them 2 bowls because they like to hog the bowl by sticking their heads in it and not letting the other rabbit at it. Well I gave Zoey hers and put Mocha's right in front of him. He sniffed it and picked up a piece of parsley then dropped it. I figured nothing of it because it's not unusual for him to not eat veggies when he's out in the run because he has grass to eat all day.
Well thenheran over to investigate Zoey's bowl as she was eating out of it. That was it, he dove right in and stole her veggies instead of eating out of his own bowl. They both ate out of it and when the veggies were gone, Zoey went to Mocha's bowl and, of course, Mocha followed. Apparently his bowl wasn't good for him until Zoey ate out of it first. :disgust
erhaps he took me threat for rabbit stew seriously earlier today and thought I was trying to poison him? :angel:
I wish I had my camera with me, They both managed to shove their heads into the bowls and a few times Zoey stole the veggies right out of Mocha's mouth when he put his head up.:laugh:
Anyone else notice that things always taste better from somebunny else's bowl?
I went out to give the bunnies veggies and even though Mocha and Zoey are bonded, I give them 2 bowls because they like to hog the bowl by sticking their heads in it and not letting the other rabbit at it. Well I gave Zoey hers and put Mocha's right in front of him. He sniffed it and picked up a piece of parsley then dropped it. I figured nothing of it because it's not unusual for him to not eat veggies when he's out in the run because he has grass to eat all day.
Well thenheran over to investigate Zoey's bowl as she was eating out of it. That was it, he dove right in and stole her veggies instead of eating out of his own bowl. They both ate out of it and when the veggies were gone, Zoey went to Mocha's bowl and, of course, Mocha followed. Apparently his bowl wasn't good for him until Zoey ate out of it first. :disgust
I wish I had my camera with me, They both managed to shove their heads into the bowls and a few times Zoey stole the veggies right out of Mocha's mouth when he put his head up.:laugh:
Anyone else notice that things always taste better from somebunny else's bowl?