Why do people think they can step over me?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2007
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Ottawa, Ontario Canada, Ontario, Canada
Hey guys,

I don't know where to start. Life is so hectic now. Between family stuff, house things, school, pets.. everything is going crazy -including myself ;)-

A while back I was playing on my laptop when my brother was here to visit, and he asked me if he could download something on my laptop to help me do homework better. I said no, because it was something he wanted to download online, and not a legit thing.
Well, while I went to the washroom he downloaded it anyways. This crashed my laptop to the point it fried the motherboard, AND the LCD screen.
So, because it was his fault, I thought he'd replace it (or fix it..if that was possible)and he never did. It's been like 10 months and nothing, he has 3 laptops and a desktop and he never offered to lend me or give me one of his.
Anyways, he comes over today with one of those mini laptops, which I told him last week I wanted. Well, wasn't I surprised when he said it was for his girlfriend because she goes to college.
Ontop of that, he owes me money he borrowed for makeup and whatever, like.. 120$ and they borrow money all the time from her brother, and repay him within a week. I've been waiting a year for him to pay me.
Why is it when I earn money and get stuff, it gets taken from me and never appreciated?

So, i'm really irritated with them, and it slows my whole homeschooling thing down because I don't want to sit at this desktop a lot, very uncomfortable.. thus making me have to do some courses during the summer.

Btw, did I mention I babysit for them at really horrible hours of the day (like, 6 am for a few hours, or 10 pm for a few hours) and he's always like ' oh yeah, i'll give you 20$ when I get home' and he always says 'oh sorry, I don't have it'
Then don't freaking say you do. Like I don't mind babysitting, normal hours to help you.. just don't promise something you know you can't do, it's just wrong.
:rollseyes: :foreheadsmack:
So yeah, I haven't been sleeping well, my mom will get up to go to the washroom and see me wandering the house trying to find something to do. I've been getting horrible horrible heart burn, and migraines.. all because stress.
Just remember "no" is a complete sentence.

Tell him no you can't watch his kids, no you can't give him any more money, no he can't borrow, use, or look at anything you own until he pays you back in full. :)
LV426 wrote:
Just remember "no" is a complete sentence.

Tell him no you can't watch his kids, no you can't give him any more money, no he can't borrow, use, or look at anything you own until he pays you back in full. :)

Sometimes it's hard to say no to family. But remember that you don't have to babysit for him or loan him money, even if he is your brother.

Believe me...learn how to say NO. And if you struggle with the no part start writing down each time you baby sit and how much you would have earned if he actually paid you (i.e. if babysitters in your area make $7 an hour and you were there for 4 hours he owes you $28). Also in this record write down any expenses such as the lap top and money for the make-up. Keep receipts!!!!!!!!!

I can tell you from experience that $250 quickly turns in $2500 when its your family that is doing the borrowing. Once I had my chart made, printed, and handed to the person in question (in front of family members so I had witnesses) I got every single cent back within 3 months!
Thanks guys :)

I know now not to lend him money, because i'll never see it again. I wish I had kept receipts then :(

He asked me a few weeks ago (he called me at midnight, i was in bed) and asked me to babysit at 6 am, and I said no. It was already midnight and that would be crazy talk. When I said no he was like 'well i'll pay you, and you could get Lush products at the mall' (I was/am addicted to Lush) and I said no again, then he changed it to ' well if I wake the baby up he wont sleep a nap and I wanted to come visit but he'd be screaming...' and I said yes, just to shut him up, really.
I had a breakdown after that, like I was half asleep and he wanted me to be at his house in 6 hours?
At least he made me coffee when I got there, right?
me and my sister have this issue...she is horrible about paying me back and when he dog ruins my things cause she wont put her up or take her outside. well i stopped givin her money, i dont do anything for her. i am horrible about letting people walk all over me and its just something you gotta learn to stand up to eventually. hell be mad at you for awhile, but you have to stand up to him eventually

if you can...as bad as it sounds-tell him youll go to the cops for damaging your property. thats a major step, but i had to do it with a friend once and the threat alone made all the difference
fuzz16 wrote:
if you can...as bad as it sounds-tell him youll go to the cops for damaging your property. thats a major step, but i had to do it with a friend once and the threat alone made all the difference
My other brother is a cop, this would be too ironic lol.
but thanks,
and what do you mean Ali :?
I think Ali and I aren't supposed to use the words that aptly describe the situation :p. There'd be a lot of ***** ;)

That is unacceptable that you are getting out of bed to tend to his squalling baby in the morning. He is abusing his relationship with you.

I would suggest that you make it crystal clear that you need at least 12 hrs. notice. Otherwise, you can hang up on him, and turn the phone off next time he calls. He needs to man up, and deal like a civilized adult.

Enough's enough. Stand your ground, Brandy:hug:
I don't want to babysit, even with 12 hours notice.
His kid hurts me. He throws things at me ( I can't tell you how many bruises and fat lips i've had from him) and when he doesnt get his way he makes himself sick (his whole hand down his throat -.-) and screams blue murder.
Now, I suffer from migrains, so any of that will send me into 24 hours of hell.

but when I say no, they throw it in my face he's my GodSon.
Thanks guys :(
We're having so much trouble with them it's not even funny. His girlfriend, is trying to be me. Like legit .. she buys my brand of makeup, her hair is the same color *dyed* even her PetVille house was decorated like mine *I had it first*
I'm just so frustrated that I'm going to take all of your advice next time something happens.

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