Who in the Midwestern US got hit by the snow storm?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2008
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Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA
Yup, we got hit with the snow storm. There was two-three inches out there last night, and as of 5:30AM when I went outside to clean off my car (so it wouldn't be terrible later) there was about a foot. The snow came halfway up my shin. It wasn't quite to my knees, but it was close.

I'm watching the birdies and squirrels outside right now. The birds are flocking to my feeders with the snow coming down. It's almost like Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" with little song birds. Poor guys. They must be freezing their little tail feathers off!

Who else got hit by the storm? How much snow did you get?
i dont live there.. but it sounds like a white christmas!

over hear its storms. rain, thunder.. but it has stopped now... but some gales (60mph)
Not this much, you don't! It is still coming down pretty good. They are saying there is another 2-4 inches that will fall today. There is only a 30% chance of snow tonight. I doubt it will be anything. The snow on our (protected porch) is now taller than the squirrels...
It started at 5 a.m. this morning here. Since then we've had about 7 inches of snow and it is still coming down!:shock:

All area schools, government offices, non-essential anything is closed today and roads are impassable. My kids get an extra day of Christmas break and are out playing and loving it! Lucky for me I was able to bring work home and not go into the office today.

Definitely a white Christmas!:biggrin2:
I'm in Washington, not on the midwest i don't think. Anyway we got hit with a snow storm also. I don't think it has been this bad since about four years ago. We have had no school since Tuesdayso three extra days of break!!

We have about 5 inches and its supposed to snow for another week off and on!
Hate snow. It's still snowing here, and I'm still waiting for a plow to come through and make my road somewhat driveable. If you don't have a truck, you can't get through right now and I don't have a truck! I need to leave for work in an hour and there's stuff I actually want to get done so I don't want to stay home!:X

It's really coming down here too.And were suppose to get 2 more storms before Christmas on on Sunday and one day next week. Bah Humbug!!

Ours finally stopped, but it is still blowing. There is about ten-to-twelve inches of snow here. In areas where it is forming drifts, it looks deeper. I would say that some of the drifts are up to my knee.
I checked on the news, and Waukesha has a "snow emergency" warning. That basically means that you can't park your car on the street or in an alley. Brookfield (city next to Waukesha) got 13 inches! Eep!
Well i am in Pa and where i am i was borderline 1-3 or 6-10 inches, well we are getting the 1-3 with sleet and rain, so it is a freaking mess outside. I was so excited and thought we were going to get the 6-10 inches of snow. But we are we are having two more storms before christmas eve so maybe one of them wil have snow, and lots of it.
The manager's daughter came upstairs and asked me to come out and dig out my car. The plows were here and they wanted to clear the parking lot. My car under completely covered. The snow drift went up and over my car. The only parts that were "visible" were the windows...

Here is a car in the parking lot that was completely covered in front. My car was like that too, before we dug it out.

This is the snow pile left from the plow this morning. It's taller than I am, and I am 5'3"!

More snow-plow piling action! You can see the back of the handicapped parking sign in the snow.

More cars. You can see my happy, cleaned off car on the right. I am a wee bit taller than my car, but that's still a lot of snow!

This is the view from my porch. It's not so bad, because we are sheltered by buildings, a hill, and some trees.
I'm in central PA, and we got snow, then sleet, and now freezing rain. My son got an extra day of Christmas vacation (sorry, winter break....not allowed to call it Christmas holiday here), which is totally cool. We live on an incredibly steep hill, so I have been inside today, baking cookies. We're supposed to go to a Christmas party tonight, so I guess I'll have to dig out! Hope everybunny and everybody is safe out there!

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