Who else thinks that mini lops are the best breed of rabbits ?

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I love they way their ears flop when they arehopping...hehe... I just love my lil lops!! I recently got a Satin andits so weird to have a bun with straight ears!
I'm absolutely in love with my mini... when I goto scratch her head right about her nose... she puts her head down andher ears go up and flatten straight out beside her head... she lookslike a helipcopter ready to take off... cutest thing I've ever seen:bunnydance:
Did someone say mini-lop?


Wow your mini lopssound really nice ihave 2 myself a martan sable crosss she is one yr and 5 months and ababy one i got yesterday a broken fawn she beutiful and only has oneear as her mum chewed it off she soo cute and i will keep u updated asshe gets older :D.

My martan sable cross her nameDotAnd she has no name yet still thinking ?

I wonder if you could e.mail me or have a website with ideas of names HELP ?
There are several websites with pet namesuggestions. I found a couple that were forrabbits. Just search on "rabbit names" or "petnames".


I love my lops although I call them dwarf lops I think that is the english name for mini lops.

I love the fluffy soft bit on the crown of their heads between theirears. ALso they are so cute when they fold their ears round and cleanthem.

My bunnies sometimes sit with their ears kind of cocked up like an oldfashioned areoplane. Dont know why they do that but its funny!

Loved seeing the pictures of other lops.


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