Who are you and what have you done with Weston?

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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2012
Reaction score
Middleofsomewhere, Arkansas, USA
Weston used to be so sweet, calm, and well-behaved. Now he's not so much.
He used to let me pick him up out of his area and put him on my bed for playtime, now it can take me up to an hour to get him out. He runs and hides under the shelf in his cage and I don't want to traumatize him by dragging him out so I wait till he comes out then I hurry and try and pick him up before he runs back to his hiding spot. If i do manage to pick him up, he kicks and claws me. On nights that he doesn't want to be picked up should I just leave him in his area? He has plenty of room to play, so it's not like he needs the excercise, I just like to have time with him. Should I take the shelf out? Once he's on my bed he is fine. He plays and gets pets and treats and when it's time to go back in his area, I just have to tell him "get in" and he runs in his carrier and i transport him in that. I've tried using that method all the time, but he only does it when it's time to go back in his area.
He's also started spraying and not using his litter box when he's on my bed. He is completely litter trained in his area, in the sense that he seems to attempt to go in his litter box, but we winds up spraying through the bars.
It's getting really annoying. The plan was to get him neutered, but I don't have the funds right now.
Any tips??
The neutering will definitely help, but you need to keep up the picking up and putting him on your bed etc. Derby went through a similiar phase even after neutering, so I just would pick him up grunting etc and put him beside me and pet him. He is starting to come back around again. I think some male bunnies just like to be difficult and be coaxed. lol

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