which way do your rabbits face in the litter box?

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Which way do your rabbits face in the litter box?

  • always facing the corner

  • usually facing the corner

  • either way

  • usually facing away from the corner

  • always facing away from the corner

  • can't get to use the litter box

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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2011
Reaction score
Chicago, Illinois, USA
I was surprised when I brought Honey home that she always faces away from the corner in her litter box. This meant I had to move her hay rack, which I'd put where I thought her head would be in the box & instead her tail was. lol

What do yours do?
Natasha usually faces out, but that's not surprising, as she pees in the corner, so her other end has to face outward. I fill one side of the litter box with hay so she can nibble while she works, so to speak.


Kashi always uses the back left corner of his litterbox to do his business in, even in different houses! The litterbox in his cage is HUGE, so he just eats all the hay on the other side of his box. Gracie's younger and still unspayed, so she uses the middle of her box for 'business' and eats hay from either side. I have to shake a lot of poos out of her blankie, too. Yay, teenage bunnies!
Oreo faces the way that he jumps in, which is facing the back of it. He always pushes all of the litter out of the middle and scoops it around the edges. Does anybody else's rabbit do this?
OreoTheBunny wrote:
Oreo ... always pushes all of the litter out of the middle and scoops it around the edges. Does anybody else's rabbit do this?
When I saw Honey making the center lower than the edges, I started adding the new litter mostly around the sides. Am I trained, or what! Maybe I shouldn't do this & let her get exercise this way.
all 3 of mine face forward; 2 are a bonded duo and the other is a foster bun; the foster bun if you give him enough hay he will make a Fort with the exit facing backwards; but they all eat/sit forward; thinking its because the wall is behind them so their very vigilant - instinctual.

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