Which treats?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
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Cornwall, , United Kingdom
I went to five differnt pet stores :shock:todayin search of a new feed bowl for two buns, didnt get one. But when iwas out I was shocked to see the differnt type of treats on offer forrabbits. Which are the best I saw everything from dried sweetcorn,choco drops, dried bread rolls, and egg bars:???? some treats are oatsnuts and fruit etc. squashed in to bars, but they also have somecoloured bits in them. I know coloured bits are bad in food but arethey ok in a treat??:?Apart from homemadetreatswhich are ok and which ones should I stay away from???What about salt and mineral licks are these safe?
not sure which ones to totally stay away from, ithink the general idea though is to make sure you make them treats andnot give them too often.. my buns usually get a raisin or two a day,and just recently we tried dried papaya :) they love that too.. fruitsare also considered treats :) mine love apples, green grapes,and bananas :)
Spiced77 wrote:
not sure which ones to totally stay away from, i think thegeneral idea though is to make sure you make them treats and not givethem too often.. my buns usually get a raisin or two a day, and justrecently we tried dried papaya :) they love that too.. fruits are alsoconsidered treats :) mine love apples, green grapes, andbananas :)
What about the bars that are made to be hung up inthe cage? because I think they are made to be kept in the cage untillthey have been eaten.
Miffy gets two kinds of treats along with herregular food (pellets, Tim. Hay and fresh romaine, cilantro), Brown'sFalfa Cravins Alfafa Cookies and Vitakraft CarrotSlims . Igive her a few, maybe 3-4 a day and she just loves them. Igive her those andand theCarrotSlims every now andthen. As far as non-manufactured treats, I havealsogive her a little bit of shredded carrots with hercilantro.
Hi, i'd stick to things like choc drops, yoghurtdrops and fruit bars. All my rabbits have had atleast one of each. Ifyou still not sure just stick to carrots, theres nothing better thancarrots! :D;)
carrots wrote:
Hi,i'd stick to things like choc drops, yoghurt drops and fruit bars. Allmy rabbits have had atleast one of each. If you still not sure juststick to carrots, theres nothing better than carrots! :D;)
Iwent to a bunnies secrets web site, and every now and then I get emailabout how to make your bun live longer. One of the emailssaid to steer clear of sugery veg like carrots because they are bad forthem, I thought this was a load of ....!
That is a load of rabbit drops :X. Carrots arehealthy, apples arn't as good but carrots are the best.:)Obviously these claims were made by ppl with nothing betterto do.

Carrots are extremely high in sugar. My dad's a diabetic, and avoids carrots like he would avoid candy.

As with all sugary treats, carrots should be fed to your bunny in moderation.
We just use ordinary kitchenbowls. Just make sure they are heavy enough andhave straight sides, so they don't tipover. Our treats isZuPreem AvianMaintenanceFruitBlend Flavor premium bird diet forLarge Parrots.

Rainbows! :)

carrots wrote:
That is a load of rabbit drops :X. Carrots are healthy, applesarn't as good but carrots are the best. :) Obviously these claims weremade by ppl with nothing better to do.

Actually, the best fresh foods for your bunny are green, leafy veggies, like Romaine lettuce or parsely.
m.e. wrote:
carrots wrote:
That is a load of rabbit drops :X. Carrots are healthy, applesarn't as good but carrots are the best. :) Obviously these claims weremade by ppl with nothing better to do.

Actually, the best fresh foods for your bunny are green, leafyveggies, like Romaine lettuce or parsely.
Thanks Ill rememberthat:D, didnt think about giving parsley. are there any other herbsthat bunnies can have?