Which is your primary hand?

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Are you right or left handed?

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  • Left Handed

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  • Ambedextrious (mainly Right)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
, Missouri, USA
I'm right handed, but in some situations I can use both equally in some of the work I do.

How about you guys?
I'm the same I am right handed for writing but I can type with both hands and do other stuff with both hands quite easily - this is a good thread by the way!
Lefty here!! :wave:

I'm left-handed for writing (although I can write with my right hand but it's atrocious) but things like scissors and screwdrivers etc I have to do right-handed...

I think it's because that even in this day and age there still isn't a lot of allowance for left-handed people, so I've just learnt to use right-handed stuff! I remember at university the fold-up desk things on the seats were always for right-handed people, so I always had to sit twisted in my seat getting arm, wrist and neck-ache... :X
I think I am right handed just because it has had more practice. I equally use them when I am doing something and will sometimes not realize that I picked up my fork or pencil with my left hand instead of my right until I realize my writing is bad or I am having a hard time cutting meat because the knife is usually in the left hand and it is in my right.
I'm left-handed and use my left hand for just about everything - except holding a cup (for some reason my right hand is steadier), and talking on the phone...and the only reason I hold the phone with my right hand is because the hearing on my left side is worse, so I had to switch. I'm the only southpaw in my family; there's always one odd duck in the crowd. ;)

Left-handed people are (generally speaking) more artistically-inclined. :)
I am right handed, as well as my daughter and hubby but Luke is left handed with some right handed skills.
Am right handed for writing, but when I'm in the lab at school, all the important test tubes stay in the left hand (less shaky)

Funny how hands shake when they're holding something you KNOW is very important/delicate!
I was born left-handed (or developed that way -- I'm not sure how that works) and then was switched to my right hand in preschool and kindergarten. I went to a private school early on and they were still of the mindset that left-handed children/adults were "wrong" or "bad." So switched I was.

I still do a lot with my left hand, but I write primarily with my right. I often eat with my left hand, cut with my left hand, throw/toss and hit with my left hand, and that is the hand I immediately throw out to brace myself (hence why I've broken it about a zillion times over the last couple of years). And I actually can write my name frontward and backward concurrently with both hands. And I can write with my left hand, but it is obvious it's not my dominant hand any longer and gets tired much quicker.

So who here believes what they say about left-handed people being more artsy and right-handers being more organized, mathematically inclined, so on and so forth...?
I use boths hands for many things but mostly I use my right hand. Like for writing. I hadn't really used my left hand a lot until this year. I eat with my left hand a lot though.
I write and do pretty much everything with my right hand, but I am training my left hand to do everything my right hand can, in case of an emergency, yadda yadda yadda. I wouldn't want to break my right arm and not be able to write or doanything! :shock:

You know, if I use a fork with my right hand, or spoon or something, I always miss my mouth lol! The co-ordination just isn't there! :?

I was born left-handed (or developed that way -- I'm not sure how that works) and then was switched to my right hand in preschool and kindergarten. I went to a private school early on and they were still of the mindset that left-handed children/adults were "wrong" or "bad." So switched I was.

Oh gosh, they had wanted to do that with me too. But my dad got upset and told them there was no way they were going to force me to use the hand I wasn't comfortable using. Did you find it very hard to switch?

Forgot to mention, I do use my right hand for one other thing...the computer mouse. It just seemed handier to do so when I was learning to use one since the mouse was on the right side, and now I find it very difficult if I try to maneuver it with my left hand.

So who here believes what they say about left-handed people being more artsy and right-handers being more organized, mathematically inclined, so on and so forth...?

I do...;)

I'm a righty. My oldest son can use both, when he was in kindergarten his teacher told him to just pick one and use, that kind of ticked me off, if he can use both equally why tell him, he can't?

So who here believes what they say about left-handed people being more artsy and right-handers being more organized, mathematically inclined, so on and so forth...?
I do, Connor is good at both Art and Math

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