To be honest, rabbits are not children's pets but if you are considering one for a child, the bigger the better. Small rabbits tend to be more hyper and more likely to scratch when trying to get out of a person's arms. I have a Holland Lop (known as the Dwarf Lop in Europe) and she is crazy. I can't hold her and rarely can I even pet her without her running away. My 2 mixed breeds on the other hand, are the greatest pets, although they hate to be held, they love to lounge on the ground beside me.
Rabbits in generalare not cuddley, they do not like to held normally. Another point is that babies are not a good idea for first time rabbit owners especially for kids, they hit what's called the 'teen stage' often and rabbits can be quite mean -- biting, scratching, even attacking hands that go near them on in their cages. Your best bet would be to either get a Giant breed (they tend to be a lot calmer) or better yet, adopt an adult from a rescue or shelter. When you adopt an adult, you know what you're getting when you get it, adults will not go through that hormonal stage so if you find a cuddly adult at the shelter, there is a good chance it will stay like that.
I have to say I am pleased to see you doing your research before getting a bunny, good job!