Where's Peapoo?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Where's Peapoo_Bunny, anybody know? Was she going on vacation or something? I didn't see any posts saying that, butI'm not very observant. :?

Hope all is well.

sas and the gang
As far as I know, she didn't talk about going on vacation? Peapoo's spay was comnig up, and Petey had that hairball problem. I hope everything is alright :?.
hey everybody!

sry to worry yall.. everythings good here..both bunnies are doing good..peteys doing great..peapoo still hasnt gone in for her spay yet..thanks for asking..i went to the lake for about a wk...took petey w/ me.. then when i got home the internet wasnt working so i had to order new stuff..and it finally got here today..i had no idea i would be gone for such a long time:bunnydance:
wow theres alot of new topics:shock:
*sigh of relief*

Glad to hear you, and our babies, are doing so well! I bet Petey had a fun trip with you! So happy to hear he is okay now!



petey actually loved the lake... at home he hates going outside..but at the lake he loved it..he dug a big hole:D...i also had to puppysit a few days...at first petey didnt know what to think of the puppy, but he got used to it.. we left a cage at the lake so we could take petey next time.. he loved it...we might even take peapoo next time ..we couldnt take her this time because we had the frog,skink,petey, puppy, and our cousins staying over..was just a little crowded:D
Cute! Sounds like he had a great time! Diggin' holes is so fun! I'm glad he got a good taste of the outdoors...how fun. I wish I could take my babes, but there just isn't anything around me that I find suitable enough. I don't trust parks because I'm quite certain the grass was cut with gas-guzzling, oil-dripping lawnmowers. Argh...

But if we go vacation somewhere that they can come along, once they're bonded, they'll start goin' on trips! I think both of them would like it. Maisie doesn't get stressed in car rides, and Flower is just so dang laid-back in general that it doesn't worry me. I think they'd relish a chance to breathe some outdoor air! No over-night trips, though, unless we stay in a hotel. :)

How fun!! Seems, from what I've read, Peapoo hasn't been in much of a travelling mood...she probably prefered to stay home. :)

Anyway, glad you're home now, and had a nice time! Also very glad to hear that your buns are okay. How's Mr. Skink? (Does he have a name??)
peapoo and petey do great riding in the car...we had to drive 2hrs with petey toget him home..hes been in the car lots of times.. we prob will take peapoo sometime when we go..she would probably like it. petey got SO dirty..but he was having so much fun i just decided i would let him play and clean him later..

the skink is doing good..name is Slinky
Ohh it's good to hear everything is fine,and that Petey had a blast at the lake

what a lucky little bunny Petey was:)

i know i felt SO bad leaving her! i begged and begged my mom to let me take her..but there really wasnt any room w/ 7 people,the bunny,the dog,a frog and the skink piled in our camper (we stay at a campground at the lake and have a waterfront spot)..she would have been able to go if she would get along with petey..then they could have been in the same cage..theres room for one cage, but definately not two...

i made sure she had tons of food,water and hay.. and my dad checked in on her every morning...he always has to come back here before work..

no peapoo was not happy with me at all when i got home...but hopefully next time they can both go with me:bunnydance::bunnydance:


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