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Bo B Bunny

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Indiana, USA
Oh Jimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!

I think I'll pass the time while I wait........

100 bottles of beer on the wall, 100 bottles of beer, take one down pass it around 99 bottles of beer on the wall...........
Maybe he's having internet problems like me. It took me so many times to get this post sent.

....you take one down and pass it round......98 bottles of beer on the wall.... :toast:
Well today has been a much better day for me. I stillmiss Spice more than anything, but I am starting to feel back to myself again. I think I've finally come to terms that he is gone for good, which is still hard, but I know he had a good life and he is now binkying happily in heaven.

So I've turned my attention to Reese. She is doing fine, but she is definitely lonely. So today I stopped by the humane society on the way home from school. I didn't come home with anything but there was thislittle REW buckthat istugging at my heart strings. I haven't made any decisions yet and because he is a REW and I know they get overlooked a lot soI am taking my time to decide if this is what I really want right now. I really want Reese to have a companion butthe biggest thing holding me back is the buck was quite young. My guess is about 6 months old and I promised myself no babies, but the older rabbits just were not the right match for me at all.

I half feel bad for considering another so soon but I feel oddly relieved every time I start looking at other bunnies. I feel like even though I lost Spice, I now have room to take on another needy bunny that can have a good life with me.

We'll see, I have to take another visit I think.

One major thing I have to take into consideration right now is that I got my official job notice. I will be moving 4.5 hours away in January (until end of April) and they provide housing so the bunnies can't come andwill be living in the garage under my parents care. I want to make things easier so I seriously need to take into consideration the time Reese will need if she stays single or if I can't bond her to the other pair.

Am I a horrible person to think about another one so soon?... :(I'm kind of torn on if I am doing the right thing right now, which is why I am taking a step back and didn't bring the little REW guy home with me today.
It's nice to see you making progress and moving on after Spice's passing.

I know your love of bunnies and concern for Reese to think of getting another mate for her. I don't think it's too soon for you to consider getting a new bunny. You are very capable of taking another one (especially one in need of a good home).

This REW has been at the shelter the longest of all the otherbunnies. He seems so similar to Spice. Would the shelter allow him to be housed outside? Will Reese accept him? Maybeyoucould try a meeting or date to see if the two will get along.
After losing Spice, I will not put any of mine at risk by bringing them into the shelter. I'm going to go on my gut instinct and body language and hope my luck holds out for a 3rd time. Reese is extremely easy going, I'm not concerned about her. I realise I'd be taking a huge gamble, but I'm not willing to gamble their health either and I have to go with my gut feeling. That's why I'm not rushing this right now.
MyBabyBunnies wrote:
Am I a horrible person to think about another one so soon?... :(I'm kind of torn on if I am doing the right thing right now, which is why I am taking a step back and didn't bring the little REW guy home with me today.
Not at all! We'll support you whatever you do. Go with your gut. I know it must be hard to see Reese being lonely.
naturestee wrote:
Would it be possible to bond Reese to Mocha and Zoey?
I've thought about it and I will be trying it but in all honesty, I have serious doubts. Zoey was the female version of Spice when it came to other rabbits. She HATES others, and goes nuts when she can see Reese and she always has since I brought Reese home. My biggest concern is ruining Mocha and Zoey's bond because everytime Zoey sees Reese, she starts marking the territory and Mocha starts chasing her and pulling fur. And I'd have to decide if my hutches are okay to house 3 bunnies (I don't have a large enough winter box).

I'm still considering the REW, he is still pulling at my heart and I am going to go back and see him again in the next few days and decide if my gut still thinks he's the right one. I think after 5 months in the shelter, he deserves a good home.
Laura, I know this decision must be so hard for you. Whatever you decide, it will be the right choice. It sounds as if you will have more luck in bonding Reese with another rabbit, than trying to get Zoey to accept her. And no, you aren't horrible thinking of getting another so soon - you are thinking of the right thing for Reese (and the Shelter bun), and Spice would be agreeing with you.


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