Most serious, dedicated breeders work real hard to plan all their breedings. They know how to care for preganant does, how many babies they can handle, and what to do with orphaned litters.
This is one of the few online Forums willing to help out people with the "OOPS" litters or the unexpected breedings, or the problem breedings. The Rabbitry section is one of the few places that people that want to breed can openly ask questions and get several opinions and answers that might help them out. So yeah, it makes sense that there seems to be a lot ofdrama in this section. But I'm glad it is here and very proud of the help, supportand practical assistance that people offer in times of need. (Most Rabbit Forums don't allow discussing breedings and litters!)
People with more experience can advise and suggest things that will be a help to new breeders. Some of those suggestions might help someone else from repeating a serious mistake. But it is all done with the best interests of the rabbits in mind. And yes, we may also suggest NOT breeding if it isn't the right thing to do.
Yeah, we all love to share the "Awww factor" when we have a litter. Kind of makes all the hard work worth while to share the cuteness. But inbetween all the cuteness and "Who da daddy?" questionsis lots of life saving information for the rabbits. Sometimes it's only the reassurance that what you're doing is right... and sometimes it's a small suggestion that makes sure all the babies survive.
Actually, it would be a wonderful thing if no rabbit ever ended up in a shelter... ever again. But it's never the rabbits fault! We all work very hard to place our rabbits (bred or rescued) in permenant, loving homes. :biggrin2: