It may sound silly but the best way to get a newbun to trust you and come to you and be affectionate with you is toignore it. Let your bun out of the cage and sit near it butignore it, read a book or something. Soon the buns curiositywill get the best of her and she'll hop over and sniff you and thenstart climbing on you. Just keep ignoring her. Thenyou can start to talk to her, and try to pet her. It may takeseveral sessions. Once she trusts that you are safe you'll beable to pet her and start to pick her up. Make sure if sheindicates that she wants down, to put her down right away.She shouldn't be forced is she isn't comfortable, you want her to trustyou. It takes a little while to build a bond.Treats are a good way to bond too, but too many treats aren't good fora bunny. I'm sure she'll be a snuggle bun in no time.