When things go very bad, very fast...

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Retired Moderator
May 25, 2006
Reaction score
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Dandelion got a running jump this morning and cleared one of the gates we were using to block him in our library(just a smidge over 3 feet high).:cry3He landed right in front of our other male lop. They were just sitting there staring at each other not moving...I was in the library looking after Dandelion so I was over the gate right after him...but not fast enuff.:cry3I managed to get one arm in front of Solembum and the other hand under Dandelion. As I scooped Dandelion up Solembum jumped over my hand and grabbedDandelions ear with his teeth while hanging in the air.Dandelionsear was torn horribly.:cry3 I got the bleeding stopped and started calling around trying to find a vet.My vet was out on an emergency call...and not one vet within an hour of my home could see him!!! Not one emergency vet anywhere! I finally got him to the OVC here around 10:30am...they gave him some pain meds and finally treated him around 3:00pm this afternoon! My poor baby!! What have I done? OMG...I have been crying all day...everytime I look at him I start crying again...I adopted him so he could have a better life and 16 hours later...this is what happens. My poor little man!

The OVC brought in 2 exotics specialists and a surgeon to examine his ear, and in their opinion they felt it was better not to suture it but let it heal naturally. By the time they got around to treating it part of it was swollen and inflammed and in their opinion it was likely to necrose...so they decided to just give me some pain meds and antibiotic/anti-inflamitory and send him home...so he will have a notch in his ear when it heals. I can't help feeling it was all my fault...I was supposed to be watching him...:cry3

aww...im so sorry about dandelion!! dont blame yourself:hug:. you got to him as fast as you could! if you wouldnt have got to him so fast it could have been alot worse! :hug2give him a big kiss for me:kiss:!!!! hope he feels better soon!!:bestwishes
I hope he feels better:). Don't beat yourself up, it wasn't your fault.
Accidents happen. Don't beat yourself up too much over it :hug1

Hugs and kisses for Dandelion :kiss:
poor dandelion! don't feel too bad. if he had a running stop, you most likely wouldn't have been able to catch him mid-air. i hope he feels better soon.