When supplementing a baby ... HELP ....

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2011
Reaction score
Naples, Florida, USA
Do you still need to add the kitten or infant formula? I found raw goats milk, so do you warm it or what?
Our Runt is looking way to runty and scary, so I want to give it a little boost.
When you offer the milk do you hold it on its back or with its head up?
How long will I need to try and do this? the kits are 8-9 days now, very active and growing, except for Runt, who is just small and bony.
If you're going to feed it, don't keep it with the rest of them, unless you're controlling when the doe feeds them. The kit can end up with TOO MUCH milk if it's getting multiple sources.

Hold it in your hand with it's head up, butt/belly down. Warm the milk like you would for any baby. Mix the goats milk with formula, and if you want, add a tiny bit of whipped cream in it (mix well). Using an eyedropper, let the baby suck/lick the milk out until he's round like a ping pong ball. Then wipe his bottom with a warmish wet cloth to encourage him to pee (he can't on his own yet).

Once he seems to be caught up in weight, add him back in with the rest of the litter and see if he maintains it with the rest of the litter. They'll all probably start nibbling solid food a couple days after their eyes are all open and they're roaming the cage (no later than 3 weeks old is when they start). Once he's eating solid food (more than just nibbling), you can discontinue the milk.
I have pics of Runt and a sibling in my hand on my facebook. I would for anyone to look and help me. I'm posting from my phone and only know how post pics to facebook. I would have friend you because i don't how to make the pics public on my phone lol. I' cheryl sams.

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