When rabbits bite...

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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
Reaction score
New Jersey, , USA
So Pup is a very aggressive rabbit (I'm still waiting for his behavior to calm down after his neutering). He bites me often but never has he broke skin and drew blood like he did just before.

Obviously I would never hurt him for doing that but what is a good "punishment" to enforce for the next time he bites me (there will be a next time)? Yelling doesn't always work though so I'm clueless. Any suggestions? :)
All of mine nip on occassion. Give Pup a little bit more time regarding loosing hormones. And yelling definitely doesn't work.

Example: Luna and Neville are the babies. Luna nips to move my hand. Or nips the towel becauseshe doesn't want to get groomed. Neville nips my gloves because he thinks of medicine (had them on when administering meds). I always say "NO" sternly and place them how I want them in my lap. It does take time for them to get the message. If they continue a couple times after that, I say "NO' sternly then put them back in their crate.

I did the same thing to Dobby, Kreacher and Willard. It seems to have work because I will not get nipped by Dobby and Kreacher any more.Willard being a rescue, does it once in a while. He used to do it all the time to me when grooming. (Just a note on Willard's defense. Dobby and Kreacher we had since 8 weeks).

It's just repetition, doing the same thing over and over. Pup will get the hint, anda few more months as he matures, I think you will see a difference.

Hope this helps!

Punishment isn't the answer to instinctive behavior. He doesn't know nipping hurts because we don't have proper, rabbit-like fur. Make a hurt sound & push his head down for a minute, so he'll know you're the boss.
Thanks. It def wasn't nipping though. It was a full on bite and the loudest I've ever heard him growl haha. I will try pushing his head down, never done that before so we'll see.