when not to breed

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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2009
Reaction score
burnsville, Minnesota, USA
I bought a french lop when he was 9 weeks and he seemed to have potential at that time but now he is 16 weeks and he just doesn't look like he is going to be show/breeding material he seems to have fairly fine bones and his head is quite small and he doesn't seem like he is going to make weight?? I know french lops can take awhile to mature but noticing these things already do you think I should look for another french lop buck and try to pet this one out? At what point to you guys say "yep he isn't worth breeding" what are too many traits to not try to fix with the right doe? I just got into showing and want to bred and my goal like all breeders is to bred to the best of the breed standard and have as many possible show rabbits out of the litters.

The breeder I got him from is willing to swap him out for another buck and she would take him back. I think that is great....should I take her up on the offer?
I would take the breeder up on the offer of a switch. Bone is very important in the French, and a fine boned little buck is just not going to cut it as a herd buck.

I figured so I am taking her up on the offer. She is bringing down a new buck today for me. She is great and has been so helpful in my new venture. She is so surprised he has such long fine bone neither parents did....genetics are not a perfect science.

I am going to miss him he is a sweet boy but I just don't have the extra room for pet quality french lops...they take up quite a bit of room. She has a woman who is looking for a pet so he is going to a good home so that makes me feel better.
sheandg wrote:
She is great and has been so helpful in my new venture. She is so surprised he has such long fine bone neither parents did....genetics are not a perfect science.

Genetics are rather predictable, however phenotype is not always a good indicator of genotype. ;)


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