When is your rabbits' out-of-cage time?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2008
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, Illinois, USA
I'm curious to know the start and end time that you typically have your rabbits out of their pens each day. And are they active during much of this time, or do they wind up loafing around a lot?

Thank you,

Jenny is free run, I only put her in her pen to sleep, and she is VERY active during a majority of the day..and pissy about not being able to run around at night too.

Peepers is out for about 1-2 hours in the AM before I go to work(depends when I get up), and she is let out again as soon as I get home, so from, about 7:30 to 10:00pm, she is not that active during it ATM as she is sick, but normally she is active the whole time she is out.
Our bun that just passed was free run both in and out of the house. He was a flemish Giant and would go outside to go to the bathroom. He liked to be out most of the day and would come in at night. Outside he would go between grazeing around the yard and just laying around. When he came in at night he would mostly lay around after demanding his treat. He was very pushy.

Our new bun is also a Flemish and is in the house all the time at the moment. He has a pen that we put him in at night but he is free run the rest of the day as I'm home. He will come out in the morning demand treats and then run around the house awhile. The rest of the afternoon he takes it a little easier. He will sleep then get up and eat, then wander around the house, then lie down. He gets a little more active again in the evening. (He is only 3 months)
all of mine are out all the time. There's a divider between king's side and Josephine and the babies side. When Josephine goes on a run the babies just get out of her way. LOL oh, the rabbits have their own room.
His set time out is usually about 10pm - 11pm, it does vary a bit though. He's usually very active, though it's run about madly, flop at your feet for 30 secs for a nose rub then bounce around some more. The area he's confined the rest of the time is around 4' by 8'. He's often about other times as well, sometimes without permission.
Both our rabbits where free roam in our sun room during the summer and in there cage at night. That or they were on a harness and a tie out when we were outside with our dogs. In the winter, they got 4hrs free roam in the kitchen while I made dinner but that's only because both were fairly curious about getting into small spaces and never coming out so they have to be more confined indoors.
Ours come out in the evenings. Caramel gets free roam, usually hops between the kitchen down the hall into the living room. Teddy hops behind her... I mostly hold Gus as he isn't neutered yet or he plays in the bunny "playpem" (Xpen with toys) and our foster boy, Bentley is so shy he would just hop back in his cage so he prefers to sit on your lap for a good petting!

We open the cage at 6:45am when we come downstairs. Hannah usually runs out to the living room for a minute then runs back. They're active, but they eat breakfast at that time so they don't actually come out much (though this morning Otto came out and plopped his bum down in the living room and wouldn't go back, haha). We close them back up at 7:30 when we leave for work.

We get home from work around 5:30 or 6:00 and let them out until we go to bed around 10pm. Sometimes they're active the whole time, other nights they keep sleeping until 8pm before they come out and run around.
Basil is out from about 5:30 a.m. until 9:30-10:30 p.m. He has free run of half of our bedroom, hall and bathroom during this time because that is the area that is well rabbit proofed (if you don't mind a few chewed baseboards, closet doors, etc.). I shut him in the cage at night so I can let the cats in our room, otherwise, he'd be fine out all the time.

He pretty much loafs, sleeps from about 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. A lot of this time he will sleep in his bed in his cage even though the door is open. He's really active in the morning and again in the evening, especially when we are in the room with him.
It completely varies. In the summer when it's nice weather (usually most days between May-Sept)the buns are both out from between about 10am and 6pm in their run in the garden. Mum works from home so she is always there to supervise. Dad does shifts so is often there. Summer I am always there, really, as I am off uni.
I spend at least a few hours in the run with them reading or whatever, just so I get some time with them.

Winter and nasty weather, they get a few hours in the house (usually about 3 but sometimes more) usually in the afternoon.

They usually binky nonstop for the first hour or so, and rush around and play etc. which is so lovely to see. After a few hours, they often just begin to lounge about. They will get up and have a bit of a run every now and then but generally just lounging and munching.

Brady has free run most of the time. We try to put her in her cage when we leave and at bedtime but she HATES being picked up so if we can't sit by the cage and coax her in, she stays out then too. I must add though that my home is VERY rabbit proof, she has toys, hay, boxes of paper all over the house and she is young. She really only picks at carpet (but doesn't destroy or get enough to hurt her) and she doesn't chew our walls/woodwork. I think time out varies rabbit to rabbit according to their personalities and behavior.
:mine both are in their cage about 9 -10pm and i let them out about 6:30 am when i get up and they free range in my kitchen dining and hallway area all day. they do binky a bit in the morning or at least willow does, walter is too dignified for that! usually they just loaf all day and so get a little more active in the evening when i am in my room. they like to come in there to see what i am doing and sniff around....willow will jump on my bed and dig at the covers and try to remake my blankets to suit her. wally is mainly a lounger.
I craft em play pens, and attach their cages in some way, so they can go in and out as they please 24 / 7. but, when im awake, they have the whole third floor to free roam, or the second... if im watching the big tv :p