Our dear sweet 4 yo blue Flemish Giant had a tumor appear suddenly in November. Before the surgery they found another tumor on her back leg. They removed the rumors and she lost 3 pounds in one day. They biopsied the tumors which proved to be malignant. They consulted with U Penn exotics - they determined that her cancer was too deep into her bowels and stomach for her to be a candidate for radiation. They said take her home, let her heal and we will figure it out. After removing her own stitches, she had a second surgery to close everything up and add antibiotic beads to prevent infection. She was sent home with a collar of shame which she became expert at removing... She healed beautifully and was playing and solving puzzles expertly on Christmas Eve. 2 days later, she has lost use of her back legs and we found an egg sized tumor on one of her back legs. We saw the vet last night and the first thing he asked us was ‘Is it time?’. I was horrified - I am always hopeful. He said it’s most likely that her cancer has surrounded the spinal column. She has feeling in her feet, but can only commando crawl. He gave her Meloxicam and said if she’s not improved by 9am Saturday morning, then we should bring her in to PTS. This is all so unbearable. She is still eating, drinking, pooping, peeing.... she is unable to use the litter box. We have pads for her. She still has her feisty attitude. I don’t know what to do. My 19 yo son is just devastated.