When is She Going to Have Them???

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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2008
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Upstate NY, , USA
Good Morning Everyone:wave: , I was just looking for some support is all. I have a doe that was due yesterday but I woke up this morn w/ nothing. It is day 32 today....am I just being too impatient? She is a first time mom (and she is an EL). She keeps pooping in her nestbox and I have been replacing it like twice a day. Ugh. Shes not even nesting yet....which I shouldnt be that worried about because I had another doe that didnt nest till she actually gave birth. Im almost positive she is pregnant as her stomach is hard and im sure I can feel some popping movement.....I just wish she would have them already beforeI lose my mind. I was up all last night watching and waiting. :waiting:
Some does go to day 35, so be patient, which is of course easier said than done.
I've several does that don't nest until right before, or even right after, they give birth. Have you heard the saying "A watched pot never boils"?....I think that applies to some does giving birth as well. I think I've had more problems with the ones I checked in on more often. I think most just like their privacy. Well, I guess they have a point there. :biggrin2:
Yes, but the waiting I horrible. Its only day 32 so I guess I have time. She keeps using the nest box as a litter box though. Any suggestions? Hopefully she'll have them tonight....
I'd say if your doe passes day 32, take her to the vet and have an xray done. I had an English lop that twice had to have a C-section because the first kit was breach and it was stuck. This was also her first litter. The second time her body it seemed jsut could not produce enough oxytocin to fully birth the babies.

Shortly after this ordeal I had another French Lop doe due so now being worried it would happen again, I took her ot the vet. She was drinking so much water (as pregnant critters do to make milk in the final days of pregnancy) and her belly was also hard and she was spending a lot of time inthe nest box. And xray revealed.....poop. She was plowing through al lthe extra food I was giving her thinking she was pregnant and getting fat. No babies, I suppsoe she didn't catch. It happens.

But if she has perhaps already gone into labor or her body has tried to and there is a breached kit, you shoudln't waste time, the doe will begin to weaken very quickly. I had noticed Calisto going into labor and chcked on her constantly within the hour...but then figured she wasn't having them becauseI was bothering her. I went to bed for the night. the next morning she was still covered in blood and hadn't had those babies. I didn't have a car so it took me even more time to arrange to get her to the vet, which is an hour away. She had then been in labor so long her body was very weak, and she had problems recovering from the anesthesia and they almost lost her during surgery.

Best of luck.
How is she this morning? Have patience. If she isn't in distress and there is no change in her habits, I'd watch and wait.

As a breed, I don't see that English lops are any more difficult to breed than others. I mentor a lady with elops and they generally seem to do fine. They can have the same issues and problems as any other breed at kindling.
Nothing. Shes eating and drinking and active as usual. I dont get it. Maybe I was wrong. I will wait a few more days but she I think she should of have had them by now if she really was preggos. Geez. Drives me crazy. Oh well, I guess Ill try again in a couple days ,lol. Thanks for the support everyone =)

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