When did you stop getting taller?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2006
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
I'm curious, when did most of you stop growing?

I'll be 21 in about a month, and during the months of July and August I've grown almost 2 inches (from 5'8 to almost 5'10).

I haven't grown since I was about 14 . . .

It just seems kind of strange.

Well, I just turned 16, and I grew about 1/2 andinch last year, I'm 5'7" now, and I think I'm about done.Mostly because my feet are done growing, and this year my eyeglassprescription didn't change- a sign that my head didn't get any bigger,so, yeah, I think I'm done, hopefully not though, I'd love a few moreinches.
Aparently your feet dont stop growing until your 21.....

:shock:I hope mine dont get any bigger!

As long as I remember ive been 5'8 since I was about 14. Andthats about me done! I hope anyway. I hate being tall. I wasalways the tallest in my class, I was even taller than the lads.
I had a major growth spurt during eight gradeand freshman year... and now I'm right about 5'8", perhaps a teeny bitshorter. At the time, I shot up... and was way way taller than all ofmy friends. It's nice to see them catching up now! Two of my friendsthat were seven inches shorter than me at one time during 9th grade arenow only2 and 3 inches shorter, woo hoo! It seems to me thatI have FINALLY finished growing... I've worn the same size shoes since10th grade and I haven't grown taller in a really, really long time.

Missycove- I don't think I've ever heard any girl even close to myheight say they'd want to be a few inches taller, lol. You just made myday. I can't say I share those feelings, but... :D Power to the tallgirls! :biggrin
Amy, I have a strange question. Were you on any prescription drugs during your "growth spurt"?

Some drugs, especially steroids (for skin conditions orallergies/asthma) can cause yourbones to grow at an unusualrate.

I had a coworker who ended up being about 6'6" when everyone else inhis family was very short. His doctor told him it was due tohis use of prednisilone (a steroid for his severe allergies).He had taken it for years though.

Linz_1987 wrote:
Aparently your feet dont stop growing until your 21.....

:shock:I hope mine dont get any bigger!
LOL, I agree! But my shoe size hasn't changed since I was 11.

Anyways, I haven't gotten any taller since I was 14 either. I'm 5'5" which is fine by me, I don't mind being average!
I stopped growing around grade 7. Ihad a huge growth spurt in grade 5, which I was one of the tallest inmy class, but then I stopped and everyone out grew me:?.

I'm only 5' tall, can wear childrens shoes and clothing, and I reallydoubt if I'll grow any more (I'm 21 and it's been almost 10 years sinceI've grown). But I do come from a long line of very shortwomen, my mom is the tallest at 5'2", and me next...

When you stop growing also has a lot to do with puberty and all thatstuff, guys normally grow later as they mature (sexually) later thenwomen do.

Yay! I'm not alone! I hatedit that I used to be one of the tall kids until I hit puberty andBAM! I'm short. I was always worried that my healthproblems stopped any potential growth spurt in middle school because Iwas severely anemic.
aurora369 wrote:
I stopped growing around grade 7. I had a hugegrowth spurt in grade 5, which I was one of the tallest in my class,but then I stopped and everyone out grew me:?.

I'm only 5' tall, can wear childrens shoes and clothing, and I reallydoubt if I'll grow any more (I'm 21 and it's been almost 10 years sinceI've grown). But I do come from a long line of very shortwomen, my mom is the tallest at 5'2", and me next...

When you stop growing also has a lot to do with puberty and all thatstuff, guys normally grow later as they mature (sexually) later thenwomen do.

Yes, I too stopped growing around 12 or so...but I was never thetallest of anyone at any point! LOL. I'm 4'11", and my son outgrew mewhen he was 11. My mom was 4'10", and my dad's 5'4", so my family tendsto be short too. My sis is taller than me...a giant at 5'2" ;), and mytwo brothers are 5'10" and 5'4". (We still think the taller brother wasswitched at birth in the hospital...hehe). So when I married I madesure it was to a tall guy (6'2") to counterbalance things. Thankfullymy son grew to 5'10", so he doesn't have to deal with the issues thatsometimes come with lack of height.
My family is the complete opposite... my dad is6'2", my mom's 5'7" (so that's about average), and all of my uncles aretaller than my dad! It looks like the chances of me being short werenipped in the bud the moment I was born. Then again, I was always oneof the "short ones" until 9th grade. Strange.

I do take birth control and oral pills (not sure if they containsteroids or not) for exzema and acne. I've taken the birth control for3 years and the other medicines, as well as some perscription creams,for about 5. They've certainly worked, that's for sure! I hate pimples,yuck. I'm glad the meds cleared me up.
I stopped growing at 14 or 15, then had a 1/2 inch 'growth spurt' when I was 20. So now I'm officially only 5'2".
I think I stopped growing at about 12 or13. I think I got gipped (sp?) out of a couple inches,though, due to being ill most of my childhood, because I'm 5'4" and myshoe size is a 10!! I find it highly unusual to have suchlarge feet for my height! All of the females I've ever knownto have the same size were at least three inches taller!Lol...

The good thing is, though, that I married a man who wears a 12EEEEshoe, so he makes my feet look petite. For the first time inmy life, my feet don't look like cruiseliners, and it's sonice!! :D I love my husband....*sigh of happiness*
Maherwoman: That's the same thing my mom says! She's 5'2" and wears a size eight.

At least my feet match my height, I'm 5' and wear a size 5-6 (and kids size 4...).

And my b/f is 6'4" and wears a size 13. We always joke thatwe have such bad luck, that out kids will end up all wonky...The boys will be tiny and the girls will be giants rather than havingjust normal size kids...

Hehe, that's cute. I'm sure your kids will all have the "good genes". :)

Nice to know I'm not the only short, huge-size-footed woman outthere! Lol...I'm kidding. My sisters always madefun of my feet, so I'm a bit more self-conscious than most. Ijust try to pick shoes that make them look smaller.:) I guess I'm good at it, too, because when I tell people myshoe size, they're actually a bit surprised! :)

aurora369 wrote:
Maherwoman:That's the same thing my mom says! She's 5'2" and wears asize eight.

At least my feet match my height, I'm 5' and wear a size 5-6 (and kids size 4...).

And my b/f is 6'4" and wears a size 13. We always joke thatwe have such bad luck, that out kids will end up all wonky...The boys will be tiny and the girls will be giants rather than havingjust normal size kids...

It's been so darn long ago I can'tremember. Unfortunately I stopped growing at5'13/4 inches, but I say 5'2".

I'm the shortest in my family and the one with the bone straighthair. My one sister & brother have the most beautifulwavey hair. Now that's a waste on a guy. He doesnothing with it. He also hardly has any gray hair. Where'sthe fairness in life, if I didn't dye my hair I'd look likean Old Lady. LOL.

Hey, now...if we're going for specifics, thenI'm gonna post my actual, technical height...5'4.25".Heehee...that quarter inch means a lot to me! LOL!!

I do love, though, when I'm standing in front of my husband, I can restmy head on his chest...he likes it, too. :) We makea cute dancing couple. :)

SOOOSKA wrote:
I stopped growing at 5'13/4 inches, but I say 5'2".
I'm still growing, I'm 5'5 and wear an 8.5 and I'm turning 14 in a couple days, so I think I still have growing left to do!

My brother is only 15, where's a 15 shoe size (so hard to find shoes that big!) and is 6'1! GIANT!

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