What's the best way to donate to a rabbit organization?

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That's a personal decision, it depends too on what you think is best accomplished. HRS is probably the best overallwell-roundedorganization out there, although I haven't researched as much as I should have. They'recertainly tops in education and awareness,and very well organized. Ihaven't looked in to exactly where the money goes, but I've never heard anything that's caused me concern.

I'd be inclined to go for a local rescue that's struggling to reach out to abused, abandoned and injured bunnies, or one that's trying to set up a spay and neuter program... or one like Save-A-Bunny that takes inthese rabbits and spends a fortune in vet bills. But they all may be funded at least in part through HRS, I'd like to find out more about that myself.

Maybe somebody with answers instead of questions might chime in here.

But it's a wonderful thought, something that more people should think about, bless you for that!


sas and the warren
You may also want to consider the American Rabbit Breeders Association Research and Development Committee, which puts a large amount of funds towards disease research in rabbits.

All these ideas sound pretty great and Im sure would provide loads of help to any of these rabbit organizations.

Like Pipp, I personally would prefer to donate to a local rabbit rescue organization, as many are very underfunded and do a great deal to save the lives of rabbits who otherwise would be put down or left in terrible conditions.

Just my opinion..let us know if you need any help finding rescue orgs in your area.

And you are awesome for considering this..I wish more people would :)

My wife and I have a son, so this would be in the event that all three of us died. Not a great thought, but I am updating my will. I have plenty of family, but they are doing well financially. It took us a while to have children so my wife bought 4 rabbits over several years. They're great. They're certainly not for everyone.

Here's Kayla. I wish I would have known that you have to raise rabbits together or they fight.:( Kayla is the most jealous of the group. She doesn't undertand why she can't stay out of her cage all of the time. A lack of self-confidence is something that she does not have.:D


I like to refer to them as the true 'Rug Rats'.:D

I'll research donations some more. I like the idea of a local chaptor and HRS. Does anyone know of a local chapter in New Hampshire? I will google it as well, but if anyone knows of one offhand.
Kayla is adorable..she does look like quite the little princess! With regards to bonding, rabbits dont necessarily have to be raised together to bond, it just helps sometimes. Bonding can be a very difficult task, but sometimes you get lucky and its very easy..definitely worth a try. Its very rewarding to see those bunnies groom eachother after working with them for months..:) We have lots ofself-proclaimed bonding experts (myself included :)) who would lov e to help you if you have questions.

Okay, back on track. Heres a few sites for rabbit rescue in NH: http://www.nhrabbits.org/


Keep us posted!


Just an FYI:

New Hampshire House Rabbit Services ( http://www.nhrabbits.org/) has been disbanded. Several of the key members have moved or passed away, and they've decided not to continue with the organization.

The NHSPCA (in Stratham) is where I adopted Peanut and they are a wonderful rescue. There's also the possibility of contributing to a small, local shelter. They tend to be overlooked, and it's often those bunnies that are the most in need. For instance, someone donated money to the Cocheco Valley Humane Society so that they could grow fresh veggies for their rabbits instead of buying them.
Yeah, I just found out recently. I corresponded with Carolyn Hess (former HRS coordinator, she bonded my bunnies) and she let me know about the group's dissolution.

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