What's on your Christmas wishlist?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2005
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So I try to do all of my Christmas shopping by the end of November. I hate crowded malls, and I am really not a fan of shopping in the holiday rush.

Besides that, I like to put a lot of thought into presents, so I find shopping in the week or so before Christmas is usually me being desperate to find SOMETHING rather than planning out what I am going to get.

That being said, I've encountered some new things since I've started having Christmases with Neil and his family.

1. They do wishlists.... in my family that is unheard of -Christmas isthe time of year where you can judge how well someone knows you because they get NO hints!

2. Neil is a perpetual day before Christmas shopper and no matter how hard I try to stay away from the malls, somehow I am being dragged around through the malls on Christmas Eve.

So in that spirit, I've discovered the best site on the face of the earth... uh besides RO and ICHC... (leave it to a computer geek to figure out SOMEONE out there must have gone through the stress of organizing a christmas wish list).


We used it last year and it made everyone's life so easy. All members of the family gather their wishlists all year or months leading up to the holidays and just fill up the list as you find things or think of them. When it's time - your family just goes and looks up your list by your name. Done and done.

So far I have a video game and a foot spa thingie on there... have to think of the good gifts still. :D

What's on your wishlist for this year??

Ryan and I are doing a "joint-gift" this year. We are going to buy something really nice, for the both of us. I am not sure what that is going to be yet, though, lol. We may just end up doing something else, who knows :p.

A new REALLY nice camera is on my wish list. I am not sure which one I want yet though :).

As for Ryan's wish list, I am sure he wants some sort of music equipment...as usual, haha.
I've already started hinting around for earrings to match the Journey diamond necklace I got last year. Hubby is really good about taking hints, so I'm pretty sure they will be under the tree.

He wants a smoker (for smoking meat).
I'm totally stupmed about what to get this year. My mum likes to do all of her shopping early too, and she keeps asking me what I want as my main present, but I have no idea. :headsmack

Anybody have suggestions for me? Haha! I don't want a new phone or tv or anything like that.
Can I wish for a Christmas with no bills in December??? :biggrin2:

We do wish lists and I haven't even started thinking about mine yet. Not sure - would I like some new clothes? New books? (Can't put bunnies on that list or Art will disown me).

I'll have to think about it.

I'm all about that Peg - I wish that someone would pay all of my debt...



Things I want that I won't get.

Nintendo Wii

X box 360

Digital camera Rebel XTi

Things I want and might get

video iPod

Another rabbit (haha)


Some DS games

[align=center]A magpie harlequin lionheadbunneh bun.[/align]

[align=center]I so nearly got one.Someone reserved ityesterday. I cried. I so wanted it.:sad:[/align]

[align=center]Like I told Rosie, I have space for a widdle bunneh bun. [/align]

[align=center]I could put it in my room.[/align]

[align=center]I'll just "foster" it for a looooooooong time.[/align]

[align=center]That's what I want![/align]

Ahem....some one has a case of...



XxMontanaxX wrote:
Haha! Poor MsBinky, she's gonna have cages all over her room and house and she'll have to sleep on the couch or outside!

Nope, she is getting rid of the couch to house "Fred", a bunny at a nearby shelter to her.

Hehehe....now she just needs MrBinky's approval :thumbup.
undergunfire wrote:
Ahem....some one has a case of...




OMG lmao. You made me die of laughter. I wasn't wanting one actually :?Here's what happend:

I was all focussed onfinding a spot forFred... I swore every curse word out there when I saw that the cage wouldn't fit... I cried when I realized the cage would block the wheelchair. I just can't house a big bunny :(

Upset, I figured I would recheck the lists and see if there was another bun with an urgent need for a home and I came across the most beautiful harlequin lionhead baby. I fell in love and really hoped to get it but it was reserved. I was really disappointed and then looked into harlequin lionheads and just fell in love with them. :baghead
I just LOVE harlequin lionheads....I'll have to share photos in my lionhead thread later this week - I took photos of three of them for someone earlier this week....

MsBinky wrote:
undergunfire wrote:
Ahem....some one has a case of...




OMG lmao. You made me die of laughter. I wasn't wanting one actually :?Here's what happend:

I was all focussed onfinding a spot forFred... I swore every curse word out there when I saw that the cage wouldn't fit... I cried when I realized the cage would block the wheelchair. I just can't house a big bunny :(

Upset, I figured I would recheck the lists and see if there was another bun with an urgent need for a home and I came across the most beautiful harlequin lionhead baby. I fell in love and really hoped to get it but it was reserved. I was really disappointed and then looked into harlequin lionheads and just fell in love with them. :baghead

That by Christmas, my boys will be home with me from Peg's...


Be praying guys...what a wonderful Christmas present, dontcha think?

Oh...speaking of boys...ya'll should go check out this thread.

awww Rosie I think that would be an aweeesome gift!

Oh... I have to take mine off the list. MrBinky did something I couldn't believe he did. He got me my bunneh bun. Not any that were on the pics... But rather the first one that I cried over when i found out it was reserved. Well... It's mine!!!!!!!!!! But now... I have to keep you guys hanging :p

Bunnehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :biggrin2:
Meerkat's Manor is awesome :biggrin2:

Ok, I really can't ask for anything for Christmas other than MrBinky being home I guess. Hopefully, I won't have to wait til then. Some rabbit food wouldn't hurt :biggrin2:So that's what I want.

I know he wants the Star Wars game for the Wii. He has his kitten now so I think he is happy about that. :biggrin2:

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