What's Normal for Digestive Sound and Exercise...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2008
Reaction score
, Illinois, USA
I'm curious to know a few things....

1) Is it common for a bun to sometimes have louder-than-normal gut sounds (e.g., gurgling, popping, etc.) despite no dietary changes?

I can't help but feel worriedwhenever I go months' without hearing a bun's gut sounds when sitting near them (so with my head 2-3 feet away) and, then, hearing a lotof gut sounds (again, with my head at least several feet way). Also, when the gut soundsbecome noticeable, I can feelthe "popping" (presumably gas) upon palpation.

2) I've (sort of) asked this question in the past: I'm curious to know how much exercise people give their rabbits daily. (Please specify not only the average length of time that they get, but also state if your rabbits casually meander, or if they exercise hard [run full-out, do binkies, etc.]during their out time.

Thank you,

1, I have minimal gas problems or gut problems with mine. Sandy once had a gurgly tummy but no other signs, so I just left her to it and kept an eye and no other problems and after that she had no problem.

2, My outside buns all have a run permanently attached to their hutch, so they have run access 24/7, but they also get put into bigger runs during the good days, and that will be for roughly 12 hours or so, if the weather stays good enough long enough. Some are just layers, some bunny 500 and binky, some chase their friends. All are pretty active though, even my fatty Candyfloss.

My insiders are in NIC cages and they get exercise every day (for between 5-8 hours, depending what time of day). They get access to my bedroom and the landing, which is pretty long because its a four bed semi. All of those are proper run as fast as you can bunnies apart from Sandy who meanders and breaks through most barriers you put in her way, and she meanders around the house moreso than being contained where the others are contained.

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