What's my bunny?

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Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
Brisbane, , Australia
I live in China and just bought my baby. The people that sold him to me weren't sure what breed he is. After a bit of research, I think he's an American Fuzzy Lop. Plus how do I make sure of what sex he is?

The quality of that pic isn't very good. It's super close up so bunny just looks like a gray blob.

And how old is this bunny??? Are his/her eyes open?

Bunny looks furry so could be a Lionhead or fuzzy Lop.....like I Said picture isn't the best I would try to post a better one.
Hahahaha unfortunately he does just look like a grey blob. "His" eyes are open. They don't keep great records here of the animals they sell so I don't know, and they didn't know how old he was. I would say at most 3 months though.
some sort of lop for sure... I'm no good with breeds, though. I'd guesstimate 10-12 weeks of age based on size - my holland was tiny enough to sit on my hand at 8 weeks but grew a TON between 2 mos and 3 (more than doubled in weight!)
Thanks guys, that's what I thought!! From what I've been reading about bonding, I think I'm pretty lucky. He's only a baby and I've only had him for 2 days but he hops to the front of the cage if I'm in the room, prefers to be cuddled close, or will climb up my arm so he's cushioned on one side by my tummy, the other by my hand. He eats food from my hand, cleans himself - even when he's sitting on me, climbs out of his cage by himself into my hand...plus he's super adorable.
Can't help with any of the questions. The lops we've had have varied ins size from 4 to 9 pounds--they were all rescues so the only thing we knew about was their sex and that was by our own determination. Very cute bunny though.
Okay with the new pics you can see his ears are lopped so I would say a fuzzy lop too.

He is pretty tiny though so I would guess more like 6-8 weeks. As you said china doesn't keep good records on their animals and I would guess they'd want them sold as fast as possible.

Justna guess though, pics are the best so still hard to tell :)

He is adorable!!!
how big is a fuzzy lop full grown? 'cause aren't holland lops the smallest lop? that bunny was bigger than a hand, so definitely bigger than my holland at 8 weeks. I'm still inclined to say more like 10.
American fuzzy lops came from holland lops. They are the same size and therefore both are the smallest of Lop breeds.

I thought in the picture her bun looked smaller than her hand which is why I guessed younger. But I could be wrong. It's not the best picture so maybe I'm not seeing it right :) plus, china is infamous for selling animals too young so I might just have it in my head that he's pretty young.
Hey guys, if it helps at all, he's a little bigger than my hand, but most of the time he curls himself up. When he stretches out, he's about 8-10 inches long.
Looks like a fuzzy lop. I love my fuzzy lop. They're a wonderful breed. Teddy is probably only like 16 inches long, and she's full-grown.
Turns out he's a lion head!! In the last few weeks/month or so, he's grown a mane! It's adorable, looks like he's had it crimped. He also is ridulously fluffy around his bum and sides.
That would make sense since lion heads, as babies, are very fuzzy around their bums! Cute bunny!!

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