whats for breakfast?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2006
Reaction score
, New York, USA
what do you feed your buns for breakfast?

I give Domino CHEERIOS orLEAFY GREENS and he always gets 4 ounces of pellets everyday to eatfree choice.
Hi our 4 get greens in the morning and pellets.

They get a variety of dill, parsley, kale, dandelion, carrot tops,collards spinach (when safe to give). Needless to say with 4bunnies we go to the grocery store alot to get fresh veggies.

Ours get a 1/2 cup of pellets each forbreakfast. Sometimes I give them romaine and cilantro or other veggiesfor breakfast but I usually save them for a mid-day snack.

Ruby and Millie get 3 egg cup fulls each ofscience selective pellets and a variety of greens (spring greens,dandelions, carrot tops, parsley and broccoli) as well as a top up ontheir hay and fresh water.
Mine get some pellets, clean water, fresh hayand huge pile of grass and weeds like dandelions and a weed we havehere called puha which is like catnip for rabbits. They all go bonkersfor it! Every now and then they will get a nibble on a pinch of oatseach for breakfast but they love the hay and the grass so much thatit's all they want.

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