What veggies/fruits do your buns go crazy over?

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Cilantro and Dandelion Greens he loves. Kale, Romaine Lettuce, Spinach he likes. Parsley and Basil he doesn't care for at all.

Thus far I haven't found a fruit he cares for. I tried strawberries, grapes, bananas, apples and raisins. No good.
Mine go nuts for raisens and dried papaya pieces. They love their cilantro and since it is soooo cheep ($0.25 for a big bunch) I buy a few of them each week. They have also been getting a lot of romaine lately and enjoying it.
Apples and cilantro. We haven't tried banana yet, but I'm sure she'd love it. She goes crazy nomming our fingers if we've been handling apples though. (which is a lot lately because we're cleaning off our apple trees)
My bunnies' favorites are italian parsley, basil, baby greens, dandelion leaves, white clover flowers, cilantro, papaya, banana, banana, banana. (only very small quantities on the fruit)

Jennifer--Yes! I love to watch them eat fresh banana. Nothing better. They look so intent and concentrated smushing it...bunny nirvana;)

All three have loved kale but I've noticed it seems to give Harvey gas so I've had to stop that, unfortunately.
If Peppy gets parsley he will ignore all other veggies. It is his favourite and he'd be happy with just that every single day.
He also gets Kale, Cilantro, Apple, Blueberries and Romaine lettuce although not nearly as often as his beloved Parsley.
Peppy HATES peas and carrots.
Qbug wants to know if oats count as a vegetable. I told her no.

Thus far, I have not yet come across something she dislikes, although she'd pick other things before she eats strawberries.
My rabbit Ash loves carrots. As you can see below,


He also love Watermelon. Bananas, Strawberries, Grapes, and Blueberries. But I do limit the fruit and carrots quite a bit, as its not good for them in large amounts (You probably knew that anyway :))
After reading this I'm off to buy a banana, I never gave them a thought! Fifi goes mad for Kale and blackberries. Although she did get hold of a poppadom the other day and went mad for it!

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