What Treats Do You Give Your Bunny

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Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2011
Reaction score
Lowell, Massachusetts, USA
So has anyone given a 4 month old bunny a special treat for being good. I want to reward Blossom for letting me brush her but I know you can not give 4 month old bunnies anything but pellets or hay. Well thats not cutting it for a treat!! She wants something special. Any ideas of what I can give her in small quantities at her age. Thanks Mindy
Oxbow makes an organic barley buscuit that my kids love. Gary started to get them at 5 months with no issues. It might be worth a try.

They are heart shaped and I break them in half so they can get two (but it is really just one) at a time.
Better question is what I don't give? Just kidding.

Why don't you get some of the Oxbow treats? Mine LOVE them, they know when i open the package that they are going to get some. Also the Martins treats too.

I'd say she's a bit young for fruits.... as treats however saying that we knew nothing about bunnies 13 years ago and gave Buttercup fresh fruits and Veggies when we first got him. He was 6 weeks old. He lived to be 13 so I really don't think they did him any harm.

I give Tippy pepitas as treats. She loves them (raw pumpkin seeds). I don't give her many because she loves them too much, but....
Also a little cilantro....
LOL at my house cilantro and other greens are a staple, not a treat. I think I would get my toes nibbled off if I didn't produce a plate full of mixed greens, parsly, cilantro, the occasional carrot bit..... not that they are spoiled or anything... nope!

I will try the pepitas though. I have them for my gerbils and havn't tried giving them to the buns.
They are the unshelled, plain pumpkin seeds. They are higher in calories so they would have to be occasional only. Perhaps that is why my gerbils are so round? ;)

The papaya tablets are very popular at my house too. I figure with having an angora it is well worth giving them to prevent hair ball issues.
Now that fresh cranberries are available at the grocery, cut one in half & give her the half. You can cut & dry the rest for later if you don't need them for yourself. Just parchment paper on a cookie sheet & bake at ~150`, turning occasionally until dry, then refrigerate. This will take quite a few hours, so start early in the day or start in the evening & leave in the oven overnight.
Raisins... Bad, bad, bad.. But this is from cutting mine back from cheerios (gives them poopy butt and they get fat really quick). found out it likes allowing your children Mcdonalds for snack time.

Best treat is dinner salad full of cilantro and romaine lettuce a few raisins they have to hunt for.

I also grow Basil so will grab a few sprigs every other day to add to the dinner salad, but am really trying to push just hay.
Bunnies are picky things. If it's something new, no matter how yummy it is, they'll most likely turn their noses up at it. I'd try again tomorrow, not when she's older. She's old enough and been with you long enough to start on greens like parsley and cilantro.

Hope that helps!


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