what to do when encountered by an aggressive unleashed dog?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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Alaska, USA
I've read very conflicting (and often unhelpful) information on this so would like advice from anyone who may know! I often take the bus to and from school, which involves walking a ways. Today when I was walking home, there was a big stray dog on our street about 200 feet from our house. There was a snow bank between it and me. As I was walking along, the dog was barking and snarling and getting closer. I was walking along slowly and being sure not to look it in the eye, but it was coming closer (and the snow bank was getting shorter!). When he wouldn't go away, I ended up yelling at him. Basically, I was stuck right outside my house and couldn't get in because of this stray dog between me and the gate. Thankfully, something else distracted the dog and he ran off a ways and I was able to slip past while he looked the other way. I went inside to call animal control, but it's a holiday so they couldn't do anything. I've seen this dog out before and I don't want him to bite anyone or get hit by a car!

What should I do to protect myself next time an unleashed, barking dog approaches me? There is NO way for me to take another route home. It just won't work because there's no other way to get home. I like dogs, but I don't like being barked at and potentially bitten by one (been there, done that).

If he'd tried to attack me, my plan was to kick him and *** him with my key!
I've totally been in this situation! And worked with many aggressive/territorial dogs!

My advice? First you have to understand the difference between aggression and territorial...

Aggression is a dog that simply just wants to attack with or without reason. They are not looking to just scare you away, they are looking to harm you! Most dogs who are truly aggressive without being territorial will not be barking (or not barking much) but will be quiet... Almost "stalking" I have witnessed a dog lying completely still waiting for someone to pass and attacking! They have one goal, and that is to harm!

Now 95% of barking dogs you encounter will NOT be in the aggressive category. They will be territorial or scared. Most of the time probably territorial... A territorial dog will be barking! ALOT of barking!! They will also sort of stand their ground, as opposed to approaching you! Some will sort of fake "charge" as a way of saying "Stay Away" in my experience the bat thing you can do should you encounter a territorial or frightened dog while you are out and about would be to stop and stand you ground... DO NOT make eye contact, do not yell and scream... But DO say "NO!" in a deep authoritative voice if it attempts to approach you! Stand you ground calmly without making eye contact and wait for the dog to turn away first! Do not turn you back on a dog! Do not run from a dog! Do not get down on the same level with the dog! Once the dog turns or moves away, then calmly continue on your way....

If however you encounter an aggressive dog! YOU do whatever means necessary to protect yourself! I would strongly suggest carrying some pepper spray with you! Should a dog charge you or god forbid attack, that will stop most dogs in their tracks and they will go running!

Above all I would say just stay calm... Deep breathing is a good practice to do if you are waiting for a dog to turn away! They feed off your energy and sometimes act like a mirror of how you are feeling, so if you are completely calm and cool... They prob will be too!

I went back and read your post again and I think that this dog probably kept getting more and more agitated because when it first approached you, you continued to move... As I know is the first instinct! However dogs are pack animals and predators and when they are that rialled up, movement just makes it worse sometimes... If this happens again try calm yourself as much as possible standing still, maybe turning just slightly to kind of give the dog your shoulder as opposed to being head on... And dropping your head slightly... Basically showing him you mean no harm... The key is to be calm! I know that is SO hard in the situation, but it really could be the difference between being bitten and not!
It's so frustrating because the dog wasn't even in his territory- I don't know where he lives, he just roams around barking. I think he lives a couple of blocks away He was in front of MY house! Not that he knows that, of course, and he probably considers it to be his territory :) Also I actually wasn't walking towards him, he was about 200 feet away off to the side and came to me. First I tried just standing there, but he kept barking, so I slowly walked past and periodically stopped as he was edging closer. I wasn't facing him at any time. Know what I mean? It's kind of hard to describe I guess. I wasn't scared either, I had a kind of bad day so wasn't feeling meek or anything and when I yelled at him, I yelled "BACK OFF!" in a loud, strong voice. It does make more sense though to say "NO!" since most dogs know what that means.

I will see about getting some pepper spray! And maybe some doggie biscuits to keep in my bag, does that sound like a good idea or not?

Good to know that he was probably just territorial rather than aggressive. It sure feels aggressive when a dog is barking and lunging at you, though.

Quick awesome note: When I walked home from the first day of kindergarten, a neighbor's German Shepherd snarled and barked at me and ran across the street to bite me. When he started running at me, I quickly climbed a tree and the dog's owner had to run out of the house in her bath towel and shower cap to drag her snarling dog away, he was at the base of the tree and jumping up at me! Way to think fast, little me!

Yes! I know what you mean! It does feel aggressive, but if he wanted to attack he would have... Also even though you weren't walking twords him... In his mind (for whatever reason) he doesn't want you there... So he barks and you continue to move... Which in turn makes him feel like he's "winning" in a way, therefore he continues to bark and follow you! And in some instances get more railed up! Basically by moving in any direction, he's being encouraged that what he is ding is working! The first time you "stand your ground" it might take a while... But as long as you wait for him to turn away first... You probably won't ever have to deal with him again... Because the next time you come and he's there... He won't even bother because he will know your going to stand your ground!

And he does sound territorial! If he is allowed to roam, what he considers to be his territory could be VERY large! Lol

I wouldn't recommend the dog biscuits, unless you only give them to him (and I would only throw them NOT try to hand feed) after he has turned away! Giving him a busciut while he's barking at you is again teaching him that he is doing the right things! Almost telling him you like him doing what he's doing... Which obviously you don't want ;)

One more thing... You said you had had a bad day at work... S you were probably feeling... Frustrated? Angry? Tired? They can also be "mirrored" back in dogs... You can encounter the me dog with the same behaviors on 2different days... Where one day you are feeling awesome and the next day angry and the day you are feeling frustrated and angry you will probably see more barking, charging, snapping,... Etc from the dog feeding off how you are feeling...
Ohh I can't believe I forgot to mention this! One of the best tools I used everyday when I lived in the city, was a wooden walking stick! Or a metal one that can be folded up would work too! Not for hitting or anything (unless of course your being attacked!) but just to back you look bigger to the dog! And honestly! You would be amazed at how much more powerful and calm you feel simply my walking with a stick! Just a thought :)
I read the dog biscuit suggestion online :) I agree, does sound like positive reinforcement, but in the moment you just kinda want to get away!

I wasn't really feeling frustrated... more sad :( A classmate went off on me, which really took me by surprise. For whatever reason, I wasn't feeling afraid of the dog though.

If I see him out again, I will call animal control. When I've seen him before, it's been at night when animal control was closed. Probably won't do much good to call them and say I sometimes see a black dog with white feet running around and barking at people! I will however get some pepper spray. Hopefully it will work at very cold temps since I live in Alaska!
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Quick awesome note:  When I walked home from the first day of kindergarten, a neighbor's German Shepherd snarled and barked at me and ran across the street to bite me.  When he started running at me, I quickly climbed a tree and the dog's owner had to run out of the house in her bath towel and shower cap to drag her snarling dog away, he was at the base of the tree and jumping up at me!  Way to think fast, little me!

Oh wows! How scary for such a small child! German shepherds are big dogs! I'm sorry you had to experience that... But I'm glad you were so quick to react! Go You! :D
That sounds like a good plan! Good luck! And hopefully your animal control there is better than ours is here... We have had to learn so much with dog behavior through trial and error... Because you call animal control here... And 9 times out of 10, you get a message saying..."sorry mailbox is full." click! Lol they suck here!
Yeah, the funny thing with the German Shepherd is that he was my friend's dog and I had been at their house and petted him before and stuff. I was a very, very gentle kid and never hurt him or teased him or did anything unkind to him. Her mother about had a cow when that happened and they didn't leave him alone outside anymore!

When I was 4, a group of kids- including me- was running past a neighbor's house to get to the ice cream truck and the neighbor's dog got out (the owner opened the door to go inside and he darted out), ran after us, separated me from "the herd" (I was the youngest and slowest), then chased me until I fell down and bit me on the butt. I had deep puncture wounds on my little rump. It was just a cocker spaniel, but a scary and painful experience! The dog had bitten another neighbor child before, too.
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Yeah, the funny thing with the German Shepherd is that he was my friend's dog and I had been at their house and petted him before and stuff. I was a very, very gentle kid and never hurt him or teased him or did anything unkind to him. Her mother about had a cow when that happened and they didn't leave him alone outside anymore!

When I was 4, a group of kids- including me- was running past a neighbor's house to get to the ice cream truck and the neighbor's dog got out (the owner opened the door to go inside and he darted out), ran after us, separated me from "the herd" (I was the youngest and slowest), then chased me until I fell down and bit me on the butt. I had deep puncture wounds on my little rump. It was just a cocker spaniel, but a scary and painful experience! The dog had bitten another neighbor child before, too.

Wow scary! And I'm not surprised the cocker spaniel was the one that bite you... Seriously I've heard/seen more cocker spaniel and little dog attacks and bites than any other of the bigger breeds! Crazy!
BunMomma, thanks for all the advice! What I will do if it happens again is just stand still and look away until the dog goes away. If he runs at me, I will yell "NO!" and spray him with pepper spray! Hopefully that won't happen. Hopefully his owners will keep him at home and he won't get hit by a car!
I'd reserve pepper spray for when a dog is actually attacking. If the dog recovers from being sprayed, with no where to wash the pepper out of the eyes, it will really hate humans. I carry something that makes a noise we can't hear but the dog does & it runs away. If the dog is deaf or doesn't mind the pain, then I'd use pepper spray. I've used the device twice, once with a menacing dog & once with a friendly one that was going to cross the road to visit me but a car was coming.
LakeCondo, don't worry, I absolutely would not pepper spray a doggie unless it was attacking. I love animals and don't want to hurt them! I mentioned to Paul earlier that I would worry the dog could run into traffic if it got maced. As much as I dislike the idea of macing a dog, I would prefer that over the dog attacking me, especially if it's a great big dog. My uncle was almost killed by a German Shepherd when he was younger, it went for his throat and it took 3 men (my dad, his friend/the dog's owner, and his friend's dad) to pull the dog off of him.

What is the sound device? Sounds good! (ha ha)
Absolutely! The pepper spray would only be to prevent bodily harm should the dog attack! And the noise idea is a great idea! You can get a tin can and fill it with coins... Shake it when you say "NO!"
I dont like being chased by mean dogs at all nce when I was riding my bike two dogs came out (a big one and a little one) the big dog just barked but the little dog came up and bit my foot luckly I had converses and the rubber toe cover kept the dog from doing real damage.
When I was young, I used to rock them--had a good arm and awesome aim and have been bitten and didn't ever want a repeat. If there is another time and it's a holiday, call the police. They can and will get someone out there if it's a public safety issue.
I think the dog is out again! When I was almost home, I heard lots of barking and it sounded like the dog, and there were doggie foot prints all around our house but no human ones (as in, it wasn't someone walking a dog). I have the window opened a tad so I can hear if there's more barking. Don't want to have to worry about that darned dog whenever I'm outside! Tomorrow I'll be walking 2 blocks to an elementary school and it's in the same direction that I've often seen the dog come from/go to. I've seen him 3 times so far this week.

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