What sort of rabbit?

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Active Member
Apr 22, 2013
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Curious what breed you all think my rabbit is. He's a male, 13-14lbs. 6-8 months old. Got her at a livestock auction and ended up keeping him out of the group I bought. I figure he was some sort of giant cross but I'm not 100% sure of course.

Excuse the blur/bad pictures as much as you can. He does not EVER stop moving. Super active, super calm, plays with both of the cats, and is actually bigger than my cats LOL.
If you got her at an auction honestly you may never know. With the weight my guess would also be some sort of giant cross although I'm not sure which one.
Yes I agree that I may never have any idea, I get so many random breeds of rabbit at the auction every week its ridiculous. His ears were very straight up for the longest time, but one ended up flopping over. Not sure if thats a genetic thing or the fact that the biggest cage we could find at the time was just not tall enough, and it flopped over due to that? I'm honestly not sure. Just picked up her new cage yesterday and it seems much more fitting though so maybe it'll stand itself back up lol.

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