hi i wanted to know what size cage is good for a netherland dwarf thinking of building a wire cage for a small space if anyone has pic's that could help me out
Hello, is this for a breeding, pet or show rabbit? Male or female?
My netherland has a huge cage for her size as they tend to be a hyperactive breed and she likes to do a lot of running, but if you are breeding for show you might want a smaller space so that the rabbit doesn't 'run off' any bulk and get too slender.
You need enough room for the rabbit to be able to hop around a bit, how big is the space you have to work with?
I have two Netherland Dwarfs in different sized cages. Billy is in a 36" x 30" x 30" cage that is two stories high. We've had him since 3 months old and he's a bundle of energy who enjoys a larger space. I think he likes it a little too much though because it is a pain in the butt to get him out of there :X. In fact, he binkies at me when I put my head in his cage because he thinks I'm coming into his home to visit and he'd rather not be bothered to come out to see me.
This is an old picture and we've since lined much of the bottom with carpet squares to cover the wire floors and make it more comfy.
Ronnie is in a smaller cage (37" x 19" x 20" and only one story high) because bigger cages freak him out. Ronnie was used to a small breeder cage since that's where he was for 2 years before we got him. He doesn't like two story cages and gets really panicked if he's put in one.
Old picture for this too...we took out the wooden house to give Ronnie more space because he never used his hidey house anyways.
This is my dwaf rabbits cage (obviously not practical from a breeders point of view):
42" deep, 55" wide and 28" tall.
She's at the upper end of the weight scale for her breed, so I guess she needs a lot of room? Not sure but she is terribly hyper and bounces around all day. I'd say that a breeding cage would probably normally be 20" by 20" for a dwarf rabbit in the USA, not too sure on that though.