What other websites do you visit on a regular basis?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
I'm just curious - Art and Robin (and Eric too I think) both have a series of websites that they visit either on a daily or every other day or weekly schedule. Many are online comic strips...things like that.

When I get up in the morning - I first open up Firefox (my browser) and RO comes up.

My next order of websites I bring up are:



http://my.funtrivia.com/tournament/RO-Trivia-D-67298.html (the RO trivia contest)

rasmussenreports.com (watching the election news - will probably not view this one again after the election)

gallup.com (another election one I watch)

factcheck.org (another one I watch for the election)

Those are the "regulars" that I do every day. I also check some websites for companies I work for....sometimes (too frequently) I'll check Ebay...

So what are your websites? (I'm sure I'll think of others after a bit).

Art shocked me- I thought his were all comics - he probably has 20-30 that he reads. However, he also reads foxnews, cnn, huffington post, drudge, and I forget what other news ones....(this for a guy who rarely watches the news).

So I'm really curious to see what others read/watch!

Oh - I watch things on hulu.com a lot too...
RO Today

My Class Website

Email for Work, Yahoo, Hotmail

Vox for blogging

Nanowrimo during October/November

Animation Factory all the time for different projects

EdHelper for assorted lesson materials

BoxerTalk message board for Kirby (nice folks like ourselves)

The Weather Channel and NOAA (during hurricane season)

A couple scrapping/swapping sites

Deviant Art

Dooce.com (blogger who got me started blogging)

Low Carb Message Board when I'm sticking with the Atkins diet

School Message Board to answer questions for my team

um...um... I know there are more. :D Online life is very busy for me!
Facebook - I am obsessed!:embarrassed:

Metcheck - to see what the weather is like so I can plan things

The Student Room forum which is pretty good for lots of different things

facebook.com (I hate that place but am so addicted :X)
umm...theres loads more.

Rabbit Talk In Ohio

BC3 (Butler County Community College) to do my online classes and post on my class forum.;)

That's about it, except for reading Yahoo News.

RO is always open on my Firefox browser- ALWAYS!

But I also always have Hotmail, and Facebook open. I don't go actually post on Facebook all that often, but I keep a close eye on stuff, because a lot of gossip happens between my friends on there lol...

I also visit the Dorothy Perkins site quite often, as it's where I buy a lot of my clothes (individual eh?)

Photoanswers is visited quite a bit- it's the website of the photography magazines I read and loads of great photography stuff on there...


BBC News

Oooh! I know....

Digital Spy I visit a lot- to get the gossip on what's going to happen with soaps, what's happening with X-Factor, etc etc!

I also browse Amazon, Dabs etc for electrical stuff- even if I'm not looking to buy anything, just to see what's about...

Oh, and the Snow Patrol is visited quite often as I'm on the lookout for any tour date announcements! :D

That's about it I think! Most of my time online is taken up with RO though.... :)
AOL mail, RabbitsOnline, Youtube, Myspace, HGS, MyLamb, and then I will look at some other websites, not all are daily. Craigslist.com too...although I dont check it every day, but i do check it alot!!!!

Sometimes I look at AOL news, imdb.com, and others. :)

OMG! I totally forgot LOL Bunnies!! :shock:

I check there as often as I remember...

I also use YouTube, IMDB and Wikipedia a lot, but only if there's something I want to look up. I wouldn't just go there to randomly browse lol.... YouTube is great for browsing for videos of bands etc though :D


gecko forums/web sites for research on them(as pets)

brio girls.com

CWD(diabetes forum)

different Jonas Brother stuff some days

that's all i can think of right now:p

Hmm well

First stop of the day is Icanhascheezburger as well as a few other sites made by them like failblog, and ihasahotdog. Need a goo laugh to wake up.

And then there are these in no real order.

Cat Forum http://catforum.com/
Dog Forum http://dogforum.org/
Flugy Horse Of The Day (both the blog and message board) http://fuglyhorseoftheday.blogspot.com/
My own blogs if I have anything to update them with
Mississauga Humane Society website http://www.mississaugahumanesociety.com/
and crusin' the interwebz for random things, mostly about rabbits now :)

Peg, I look at most of the same ones you do. Here are a few more regulars for both of us.

Tally's Cat Care Links http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/9352/alphalinks.html

xs to see what's new http://www.abcstitch.com/index.phpand http://123stitch.com/ use the message board


we listen to her radio show http://tammybruce.com/

http://www.naznet.com/for members and friends of the Church of the Nazarene. we use the forum

2Christian radio stations we usually have playing in the back ground:

http://www.wnzr.fm/listenlive.htmland http://www.shine.fm/

searchable online Bible http://www.biblegateway.com/

Ohio news http://www.10tv.com/live/content/onnnews/index.html

So I can drool over all the fabric added daily http://fabricshack.com/

Craigslist.com (which is where 80% of my buns have come from)

Tripod every other day to work on my site.

I may check my email five times in one day. It happens when you're unemployed...... And I don't do my shows until the evening. There's only so much house work I could do. I draw the line at taking a toothbrush to the ceiling. Which, by the way, I've contemplated.

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