Here are mine:
1. Rescuing an animal, and seeing the changes in their personality and overall physical appearance as what you've been doing for them starts to truly show.
2. Hearing my bunnies grazing in their hay at night
3. Seeing my loved ones smile
4. Listening to folk music
5. Looking at wedding pictures. I was just doing this and listening to folk music (looking at Jesse's wedding pics), and totally started to cry. I just love it!
6. Seeing a couple totally in love
7. Taking pictures of nothing and everything. Never know what gems might come out of it! I've been crazy about photography since I can remember...and had TONS of unprocessed film. Digital cameras are PERFECT for people like me!
8. Talking to my know who you are!
9. Snuggling with my furbabies...I just love their unconditional love...
10. Playing the violin
11. Art...painting, drawing, sketching, photography, anything with art!
12. Writing letters
13. Having a good, deep conversation with someone
14. A good trip; either by road, by plane...trips are SO FUN! I love the planning, too!
15. Watching my little girl grow up a little at a time everyday
16. Teaching my little girl, and hearing her tell friends and family about it later on, telling them what she's learned, word by word. Makes me happy to hearing that she retained and understood what I taught her, and to see her apply it to life, and use the information later on. I'm so proud of her!
17. Taking Emily to the library. I love how much she loves to read, and I love watching her look on their computers for the books she wants, and then watch her go off and find it. She's so smart! I also love just watching her read.
18. Furbabies...and everything about them. I love that my kitties MUST have their certain times of the day with me. Sunny comes up onto the bed to say good morning, both of them come up at night, Hobbes HAS to lay with us on the couch in the evenings when we're watching TV. I just love it! I love that my girls know when it's time to be fed and loved on...and they know when "out" time is, too. It's so wonderful!
19. My husband makes me happy. What can I say? He's absolutely perfect for me. He loves me more than anybody ever has, and I can't explain what a joy it is to go to bed at night and take one last loving glance his way, and then wake in the morning with him by my side. True joy.
20. The freedom to be me, for the first time in my life. I grew up being made fun of for being me. My Danny and Emily don't do that...we each celebrate being unique individuals, and celebrate other people's individuality. I'm raising her to understand that unique is beautiful, that different is amazing, and should be admired. I love having my own home and family to be able to express myself in, and not feel like I hae to contain all my thoughts and emotions and feelings. It's truly wonderful to!