Well-Known Member
I've just gotten my rabbits this year (as a gift for doing well in my studies.) I'm 17 and I used to keep hamsters and cats so I figured a rabbit wouldnt be much of a difference. However the toys that the shop assistant recommended to me (corn chews and chew blocks) smell weird and my rabbits wouldn't touch them. I place an empty toilet roll in the cage and they seem to be more interested in that than the chew blocks. I read that rabbits need an assortment of toys but as I'm not working, I need to think and make some of my own, but I don't know what or how to make them. Also, can I reuse my cats' old playground (it's small and just nice for my rabbits) for them to exercise in? I've heard that rabbits get scared easily and even read that they can die if they smell a predator or something foreign for too long (it was on yahoo questions) . I'm really confused now and my rabbits look really bored sometimes help ?