Thanks everyone. I'm not too sure what I'm doing with this bunny just yet. As of right now, the plan is I'm keeping him/her. My daughter is completely in love, and I must say, I'm pretty fond myself. But I live in a very tiny house and have a dog and 2 cats as it is. I'm not worried about all of them "getting along" really, it's just a lot of work, KWIM? I let her out yesterday to check out the house a bit and OMG, I knew they pooped a lot, but geez. I have to try and figure out some sort of 'potty training' situation asap or I don't think I'll be able to keep her. 3 year olds and poop don't mix lol And if it's even a female, I think she might be pregnant. I still haven't been able to pick her up to check yet.